Primary news

  • October Revolution 1917 Centenary

    7th November 2017

    The Russian Revolution of October/November 1917 is undoubtedly one of the most important events of the early twentieth century. While revolutions were not new (indeed Russia had already had one in spring 1917), the seizing of power by the Bolsheviks and the introduction of a communist state most certainly was....

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  • Primary History 77: Out Now

    4th October 2017

    ‘Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens …’ so the familiar song goes when referring to a few of my favourite things. Hearing Michael Wood speaking at the HA Annual Conference at Manchester about the Anglo-Saxons as one of his own favourite things in history, he made reference to how...

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  • Teaching the Age of Revolutions (1755-1848)

    News Item

    Working with the broader Waterloo200 education legacy plan the Historical Association is pleased to announce an ambitious new three-year education programme that will focus on teacher subject knowledge and subject pedagogy to help embed the teaching of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century history in UK schools. At the heart...

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  • Tracing London Convicts in Britain & Australia

    22nd September 2017

    Family historians, teachers, crime writers and academics can follow the lives of people convicted and transported to Australia or imprisoned in Britain using a vast, new, free online resource. The Digital Panopticon website draws on over four million records to allow users to uncover how punishment affected the lives of...

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  • Primary History Summer Resource 2017: Roman Britain


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  • Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition 2017 - Winners announced

    13th July 2017

    Each year we offer young people the chance to be rewarded for their own creativity. The Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition encourages young people to write their own fiction within a historical setting of their choice. The competition helps them to develop knowledge of a specific time period and...

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  • German and British children who became post-war friends

    1st July 2017

    In 1947 Germany and the UK were both still reeling after World War Two. But in Reading that did not stop the mayor, in the face of fierce criticism, inviting impoverished children from the city of Dusseldorf to her town. The twinning still thrives, and resulted in a life-long friendship...

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  • Historical Association Annual Awards Evening 2017

    21st June 2017

    Each summer the HA holds an awards evening. The awards cover a number of important areas of the Association’s outreach work, its values and the roles of its members and supporters. Mary Beard awarded Medlicott Medal Newly-appointed HA President Professor Tony Badger introduced one of the high points of the HA...

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  • Primary History 76: Out now

    20th June 2017

    The act of writing is a potentially daunting process. It is the source of so much angst during our primary years as we struggle to master the complicated mechanics that will allow us to commit our ideas to paper. The purpose of writing is, of course, communication and this one...

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  • 2017 Medlicott Medal

    14th June 2017

    We are delighted to announce that the Medlicott Medal for 2017 has been awarded to Professor Mary Beard OBE FSA FBA. Mary Beard is known to many through her television and radio work and her highly acclaimed books. She is Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge and editor...

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