Primary news

  • New online records shed light on Suffrage movement

    5th February 2018

    New online records reveal that “militant” Suffragettes were largely well educated, in their 30s and born in the South East Home Office & police files detail those on the front lines of the suffrage movement Records reveal that most “militant” suffragettes were well educated, in their 30s and born in...

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  • HA Membership Survey Results 2017

    12th January 2018

    In our 2017 membership surveys we invited you to tell us more about your membership experience, what you value, and what we can do to improve. We would like to say a huge thank you to our 490 members who took the time to respond to the survey and share...

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  • HA News, Spring 2018

    9th January 2018

    The latest edition of HA News includes full details of the 2018 Annual Conference programme in the picturesque Stratford-Upon-Avon, news on our Medlicott Awards evening, updates on the world of history education, new funded projects, the results of our 2017 membership surveys, HA tours, new branch dates for your diary,...

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  • How We Used to Sleep


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  • History is popular in Primary schools: HA survey findings 2017

    8th December 2017

    History is popular in Primary schools – but it is under-resourced and many teachers do not feel that they are provided with the CPD that they would like to really get to grips with the subject. The majority of primary school teachers do not have a history degree or any...

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  • History in schools 2017

    7th December 2017

    Secondary: GCSE history changes affecting KS3 students Recent findings from the Historical Association’s Annual Survey into History Teaching in English Secondary Schools, suggests that – despite the best intentions – changes to GCSE history are seriously affecting the amount of time given to history lessons at Key Stage 3.  The...

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  • Women in Trousers: A Visual Archive

    19th November 2017

    Women in Trousers: A Visual Archive brings together images of bloomers, knickerbockers, culottes and all manner of bifurcated or ‘divided’ garments to tell the story of trouser-wearing women through an online gallery of digital images spanning more than a century. The images in the archive offer a visual account of...

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  • My Favourite History Place Competition 2017: Winners Announced

    13th November 2017

    We are pleased to announce the winners of the My Favourite History Place competition. We asked pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 to present their favourite history place and tell us why it is so special. The winning entry will be published in a future edition of Primary History...

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  • English Heritage and Google reveal historic sites online

    8th November 2017

    Rarely seen works of art and archaeological remains are among the historical treasures being revealed online for the first time. English Heritage has worked with Google to create walk-around online images of 29 sites across England. They include Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, with its links to King Arthur, and a Cold War...

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  • October Revolution 1917 Centenary

    7th November 2017

    The Russian Revolution of October/November 1917 is undoubtedly one of the most important events of the early twentieth century. While revolutions were not new (indeed Russia had already had one in spring 1917), the seizing of power by the Bolsheviks and the introduction of a communist state most certainly was....

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