Primary news

  • Historical fiction winners announced 2016

    11th July 2016

    This year's Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition has once again provided some work of an exceptional standard. Year upon year, we were not only astounded by the number of entries we receive, but also by the very high standard, which makes the judging process very difficult. This year, we...

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  • The centenary of the Battle of the Somme

    News Item

    Up and down the UK and parts of France, as well as across the world vigils will be held over the next 141 days for those that fought and were affected by the Battle of the Somme. It is typical for most nations to commemorate their victories and successes and...

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  • Agincourt exhibition competition: the winning school’s perspective

    15th June 2016

    Last month, Heathfield School in Wolverley were selected as the winners of the Exhibiting History competition, run by the HA as part of our Agincourt 600 projects. Their impressive exhibition and entry were selected from a high-quality field for the sophistication of their interpretation and engagement with different audiences. Neil...

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  • The HA Conference 2016 - Report

    15th June 2016

    In May the HA office uprooted and transferred to Harrogate – yes it was annual conference! Now historians can occasionally be accused of not being good with change and that might be why some were confused that we held it a week later than usual – but they weren’t as...

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  • Young Quills 2016: shortlisted books

    16th May 2016

    We are delighted to announce titles shortlisted for the 2016 Young Quills Award for Historical Fiction. The winning titles will be announced on Tuesday 28 June 2016 and the Awards Evening will be on Tuesday 5 July. Full details of the titles and reviews from our Quills schools will be...

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  • Report: National Primary History Survey 2015

    28th January 2016

    New History curriculum sparks enthusiasm, but no funding to deliver it.  The HA regularly monitors the state of history provision in schools at both primary and secondary level. Our findings from the latest survey of primary teachers and primary schools reveals the key issue affecting delivery in schools is funding...

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  • Before the Somme came Loos

    5th October 2015

    The Battle of the Somme in 1916, with the highest number of casualties ever experienced by the British army in one day, meant that it became on the of the most famous events of the First World War. Over the last 100 years that notoriety has meant that while its...

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  • Winners of the Young Quills for Historical Fiction 2015

    6th July 2015

    The ‘Young Quills' Award for Historical Fiction recognises the powerful role that fiction can have for introducing, informing and exciting young people about historical events, characters and places. The competition is for books that tell a story with a strong and accurate historical setting. There are two categories divided according...

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  • 2015 Historical Fiction Competition: Winners Announced

    24th June 2015

    This year's Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition has been bigger and better than ever. We were not only astounded by the number of entries we received, but also be the very high standard, which makes the judging process very difficult. This year, we were very ably helped by student...

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  • The short list for the 2014 Young Quills is out!

    27th April 2015

    The Young Quills is an annual award for the best new historical fiction specifically for young people. The competition has two categories - Primary and Secondary. Young people read the books and they decide on the short list. This year the young people from the participating schools from around the...

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