HA Membership Survey Results 2017
You Spoke, We Listened

In our 2017 membership surveys we invited you to tell us more about your membership experience, what you value, and what we can do to improve.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our 490 members who took the time to respond to the survey and share their thoughts, which will influence the development of HA membership over the coming months and years. Thank you for your very valuable feedback. We are still examining the outcomes of this research, but would like to take this opportunity to share some initial results with you in the document below.
Our Promise to You
We're committed to ensuring that our members get the most out of their membership, and although we are delighted with the positive feedback we received in the surveys, we have also identified several key areas of dissatisfaction where we recognise that we need to improve and support you better. To address these concerns and to ensure that the HA develops in the right direction, we have developed the attached action plan.
Next Steps
This plan is a working document which will evolve over time, and we would welcome your feedback on it. In particular, we would also like to develop a dedicated ‘member feedback panel’ for more focused and in-depth research, and to act as a soundboard for future pieces of work. This is a new initiative and we’d love to have you on board.
If you have any comments on the survey results, or would like to join our member feedback panel, please email Emily Randall, Membership Manager, on emily.randall@history.org.uk, call 0300 100 0223, or write to us at: Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4JH
Thank you again for your valuable support.
Attached files:
- 2017 Membership Survey Results
718.4 KB PDF document