Primary news

  • Incorporating the Second World War into your local history work


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  • A Guide to Oral History for Schools and Youth Groups

    6th June 2018

    The Oral History Society's Schools and Young People Group has developed A Guide to Oral History for Schools and Youth Groups. This important set of resources is designed to support teachers and anyone working with young people on oral history projects. Oral history is a living history of everyone’s unique life experiences, and so is...

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  • HA Conference Round-up 2018

    25th May 2018

    Alas it is gone (possibly pursued by a bear or two). If you weren’t in Stratford-upon-Avon on the weekend of 18-19 May then you missed a corker. If you were there, please let us know what you thought by filling out our short HA conference evaluation form.  Day 1: Civil liberties, Cymbeline... and a lot...

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  • Away from the Western Front launches two national projects

    10th May 2018

    ‘Away from the Western Front’ has launched two national projects and is offering everyone a chance to make a contribution to this First World War centenary commemoration. A National Music project and a Creative Writing Competition are part of the Heritage Lottery funded First World War 'Away from the Western...

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  • Original medieval Windsor Castle revealed in new reconstruction

    26th April 2018

    Historians have reconstructed what Windsor Castle originally looked like when it was built by William the Conqueror in 1071 to deter Anglo-Saxon rebels. Researchers have used a series of archaeological discoveries made over recent decades to determine the original size and construction of Britain’s largest medieval fortress. The reconstruction of that first Windsor...

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  • Primary History 78: Out now

    18th April 2018

    Many years ago a teacher recounted to me a lesson they had taught ostensibly about the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381.* The ‘extension’ task was to make a drawing that would reflect what had been learnt. One child had a less than tenuous grasp of what had been taught and not...

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  • New theory may explain one of Stonehenge's mysteries

    3rd April 2018

    Historians have put forward a new theory to solve a mystery that has long baffled experts – why Stonehenge’s Neolithic builders went to the great effort of bringing some of its huge stones from 155 miles away in south-west Wales. "In contemporary Western culture, we are always striving to make...

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  • Curriculum Update Spring 2018

    8th March 2018

    As you may well be aware, Ofsted has been carrying out research into the breadth and coherence of the curriculum offered to all young people. In deciding to conduct this investigation, the Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman acknowledged that Ofsted ought to consider its own role in what has been happening...

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  • Books that changed the world

    26th February 2018

    Celebrate World Book Day on 2 March 2018 with this FREE resource from the Global Learning Programme (GLP).  This resource supports schools wishing to use this day as an opportunity to develop global learning through story from Early Years to Key Stage 3. Stories bring places, settings and experiences to life and provide a supporting framework in which...

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  • 100 Years of Suffrage

    6th February 2018

    The Representation of the People Act of 1918 gave the vote to all men and some women. Was it the greatest turning point in the history of British democracy? The Historical Association is looking forward to exploring that very question at the final of our Great Debate competition for students...

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