Education news

  • Away from the Western Front launches two national projects

    10th May 2018

    ‘Away from the Western Front’ has launched two national projects and is offering everyone a chance to make a contribution to this First World War centenary commemoration. A National Music project and a Creative Writing Competition are part of the Heritage Lottery funded First World War 'Away from the Western...

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  • RAF100 Schools Project

    News Item

    The Historical Association and the Institute of Physics have teamed up to deliver an exciting project for school and youth groups as part of the Royal Air Force centenary celebrations. The RAF100 Schools Project uniquely uses the professional understanding of historians and physicists working in education to create an active...

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  • Curriculum Update Spring 2018

    8th March 2018

    As you may well be aware, Ofsted has been carrying out research into the breadth and coherence of the curriculum offered to all young people. In deciding to conduct this investigation, the Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman acknowledged that Ofsted ought to consider its own role in what has been happening...

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  • Women’s History Month: Female Voices


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  • Commonwealth 2018 Classroom Education pack

    8th February 2018

    The Department for Education has recently published its Commonwealth 2018 Classroom Education pack. The free resource has been designed in collaboration with the British Council and Commonwealth Secretariat, the pack contains four classroom-based activities themed around the Commonwealth and has been designed to help pupils deepen their understanding of the...

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  • Historical Association Quality Mark to be sponsored by the Royal Historical Society

    22nd January 2018

    In recognition of the excellence and high standards that the HA Quality Mark (QM) can bring to a school we are delighted to announce that to help celebrate their 150th anniversary, the Royal Historical Society is to provide sponsored bursaries to ensure more schools can take part. The QM supports...

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  • History is popular in Primary schools: HA survey findings 2017

    8th December 2017

    History is popular in Primary schools – but it is under-resourced and many teachers do not feel that they are provided with the CPD that they would like to really get to grips with the subject. The majority of primary school teachers do not have a history degree or any...

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  • The later Middle Ages: Teacher Fellowship programme outcomes

    Multipage Article

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  • History in schools 2017

    7th December 2017

    Secondary: GCSE history changes affecting KS3 students Recent findings from the Historical Association’s Annual Survey into History Teaching in English Secondary Schools, suggests that – despite the best intentions – changes to GCSE history are seriously affecting the amount of time given to history lessons at Key Stage 3.  The...

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  • Scheme of Work: Waterloo and the Age of Revolutions


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