Education news

  • Key Principles for teaching Thematic Studies at GCSE


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  • History Education Blogs

    18th January 2016

    The internet is full of bloggers and blogs. There are a number of great blogs out there related to history and history teaching. We thought we would start the ball rolling with a few interesting links. If you have found a blog particularly interesting, thought provoking, useful or even controversial,...

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  • Before the Somme came Loos

    5th October 2015

    The Battle of the Somme in 1916, with the highest number of casualties ever experienced by the British army in one day, meant that it became on the of the most famous events of the First World War. Over the last 100 years that notoriety has meant that while its...

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  • Winners of the Young Quills for Historical Fiction 2015

    6th July 2015

    The ‘Young Quills' Award for Historical Fiction recognises the powerful role that fiction can have for introducing, informing and exciting young people about historical events, characters and places. The competition is for books that tell a story with a strong and accurate historical setting. There are two categories divided according...

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  • 2015 Historical Fiction Competition: Winners Announced

    24th June 2015

    This year's Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition has been bigger and better than ever. We were not only astounded by the number of entries we received, but also be the very high standard, which makes the judging process very difficult. This year, we were very ably helped by student...

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  • HA 'A' Level essay competition winner 2015

    23rd June 2015

    In this year of anniversaries, we asked A-Level students who they might choose to erect a statue of in Parliament Square. Choices had to be argued in an essay of no more than 2000 words. The standard of entries was very high and there were some very interesting choices -...

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  • 2015 Key Stage 3 Anniversaries Competition Winners announced

    22nd June 2015

    We asked students in key stage 3 to produce a remembrance poster for a person/event anniversary that means something to them, telling us why the person or event should be remembered.  The judges were impressed by the standard of the entries and had a difficult job deciding between such a...

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  • The short list for the 2014 Young Quills is out!

    27th April 2015

    The Young Quills is an annual award for the best new historical fiction specifically for young people. The competition has two categories - Primary and Secondary. Young people read the books and they decide on the short list. This year the young people from the participating schools from around the...

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  • The HA Great Debate Final 2015

    1st April 2015

    "A fantastic final with outstanding contributions from all the finalists" Professor Justin Champion, judge of the Historical Association Great Debate final.Click here to access the film of the event...After five months of regional heats across the UK and the Republic of Ireland the final for the Historical Association's student debating...

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  • The Holocaust: 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau.

    27th January 2015

    27 January 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi concentration and Death camp in occupied Poland. The camp was a large industrialised centre for the exploitation and murder of the Jews of Europe. It was also a murder site for the Roma and Sinti (Gypsies)...

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