Education news

  • Final Programmes of Study: National Curriculum

    10th September 2013

    The Historical Association welcomes the changes to the History National Curriculum and is pleased to see that the Government listened to the thoughtful and informed opinions of history teachers and historians that underpinned our response to the consultation. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation and...

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  • GCSE Reform 2013

    6th September 2013

    The consultations led by the DfE and Ofqual concerning reform of GCSE examinations have now closed. The Historical Association consulted widely in order to respond on our members behalf.  Key points: History should remain untiered History should retain some kind of structured/guided study  Unassessed independent study is not an apporproate...

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  • Changes to GCSE History from September 2013

    30th July 2013

    Most teachers will be aware that there are changes to GCSE History specifications.  These are in two phases: the first for teaching from September 2013 and the second for teaching from September 2015.  You will be aware that examinations are now linear rather than modular and that marks have been...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2013 Results

    25th June 2013

    Write Your Own Historical Story Competition and the Joan Blyth Memorial Prize 2013.The competition this year has again been successful. There has been an increase in entries, mostly from Years 5 and 6. Once again the change in categories has led to an increase in the number of schools entering...

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  • HA Announces the winners of the Young Quills for Historical Fiction 2012

    23rd May 2013

    The ‘Young Quills' Award for Historical Fiction recognises the powerful role that fiction can have for introducing, informing and exciting young people about historical events, characters and places. The competition has two categories - Primary and Secondary. It is the only book award as far as we know where children...

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  • Darwin Correspondence Project

    13th May 2013

    The Darwin Correspondence Project website is now live. On this site you can read and search the full texts of more than 7,500 of Charles Darwin's letters, and find information on 7,500 more. Available here are complete transcripts of all known letters Darwin wrote and received up to the year 1869. More...

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  • Cartoons and Mr Men - response to Michael Gove, May 2013

    12th May 2013

    On the morning of Thursday 9th May (2013) the Secretary of State for Education delivered a speech at Brighton College entitled "What does it mean to be an educated person?" In his speech Mr Gove criticises those who have opposed his department's proposals for the new National Curriculum suggesting those...

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  • You Spoke. We listened. Our response to the History Consultation 2013

    16th April 2013

    The Historical Association - History Curriculum - We have answered On the 16 April the formal consultation to the proposed curriculum closed. The Historical Association has put in a full response, here is how the evidence was collected from history teachers and this is what they told us: Collecting the...

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  • Ofsted Case Study 2013 - Inspiring History Teachers

    2nd April 2013

    History teachers in secondary schools in Hampshire are supported extremely well through the county's secondary history network. By working together in an effective partnership structure, history advanced skills teachers (AST)s, leading teachers, subject leaders and teachers from across the local authority are engaged in actively and successfully supporting each other...

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  • ASDAN Local History

    1st April 2013

    To coincide with Local History Month in May, ASDAN has produced some activity sheets to support the local history unit of their History Short Course. You can access these activities here. If you are looking for an interesting yet accessible history course for all your Key Stage 4 students then...

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