Education news

  • The National Curriculum Review and History 2011

    10th February 2011

    In January the Secretary of State for Education announced a review of the National Curriculum in England, which includes a review of history. There have been many reports and rumours about the content and format for the revised history curriculum. The Historical Association (HA) would like to take this opportunity...

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  • Controversies in History

    8th February 2011

    Dr Katharine Burn was interviewed on behalf of the Historical Association by the Council of Europe on 26th January 2011. The discussion centred on the controversies stirred by history teaching's methods and content and whether history's popularity in the United Kingdom is a harmless surge in nostalgia or evidence of...

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  • The Australian Curriculum 2010

    6th December 2010

    The development of the Australian Curriculum is guided by the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, adopted by the council of state and territory ministers in December 2008. The Melbourne Declaration emphasises the importance of knowledge, understanding and skills of learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities as...

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  • 2010 Government White Paper on Education

    23rd November 2010

    The long awaited education White Paper has now been published. The paper sets out and gives further information of the government's plans. The main points as described by the Telegraph provide a summary of the contents. The future of history still remains unclear despite the paper, but what we do...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Story Competition

    4th November 2010

    Get your Year 6, 7, 8 and 9 students to bring the past to life! They can set their stories in ANY period or place in the past - Ancient Egyptian temple, Roman city, medieval village, Civil War battlefield, Victorian town, First World War trench, ....A panel will judge the...

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  • New Key Stage History Website

    3rd November 2010

    Keystage history has been created for primary history subject leaders who want up-to-date advice on all important aspects of their job as well as inspiring examples of outstanding practice for all staff to use. Subscribers enjoy the step-by-step, fully-resourced lessons for each key stage, not only because they are creative and...

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  • HA Primary Survey 2010

    19th October 2010

    Take part and win £75 worth of M&S Vouchers!As the prospect of a full curriculum review grows ever stronger, we at the Historical Association understand that teachers need to get their voices heard. With this in mind, we have designed our 2010 survey of history in primary schools.We cannot urge...

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  • New Teaching Pack helps Children learn about their heritage

    25th September 2010

    Going and Coming...Going and Coming is a fantastic resource which supports pupils and teachers in many curriculum areas, but especially Citizenship, PSHE, History and Geography. It can help address issues related to identity, diversity, citizenship and community.On this site are hundreds of stories - with text, images and voice interviews...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010: Escape from Pompeii

    12th September 2010

    Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010. As part of this competition the winners were invited to have their stories published on the Historical Association website. In the best stories pupils deliberately drew upon the historical fiction writer's devices to write well. They had clearly been explicitly taught how to...

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  • Qualified History Teachers: A thing of the past?

    11th September 2010

    The Historical Association publishes a major survey into the state of history teaching in English secondary schools today and reports some very worrying trends. A significant number of teachers report serious concerns that history is disappearing in their schools, with senior managers assuming that the study of the past has...

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