Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain

    Mass-Observation is probably the most consistently useful source for the study of mid and late 20th social lives Britain. It was established in 1937 with the aim of investigating ordinary life and developing an 'anthropology of ourselves.' It used a range of different methods to collect information, from recording overheard...
    Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain
  • History 381

      The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 108, Issue 381
    Access all articles online (you first need to be logged in to the HA website and subscribed to History) New Explorations in Early Modern Intelligence-Gathering: Introduction (pp 190-201) – Dannielle Shaw, Matthew Woodcock (Free to Read) The Secretariat of Francis Walsingham, 1568–1590 (pp 202-223) – Hsuan-Ying Tu Robert Barret and the Making of an Early...
    History 381
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis

      Mental health, class, gender and diversity
    Professor Julie Gottlieb has written extensively on inter-war British political and gender history, and her more recent work has provided alternative perspectives on seemingly settled debates in the historiography of British foreign policy and the history of appeasement. Through the lens of women/gender, social history, and now psychology/emotion, she argues for a...
    Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis
  • Film: A short history of Islamic thought

    In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the...
    Film: A short history of Islamic thought
  • Muddy Waters: from migrant to music icon

      Historian article
    Matt Jux-Blayney explores the impact of the blues singer Muddy Waters against a backdrop of significant social and racial change in the United States of the mid-twentieth century. On 3 July 1960, a man from Mississippi was introduced onto the stage of the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. He...
    Muddy Waters: from migrant to music icon
  • The Coronation of King Charles III

      Historian feature
    2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The UK is the only country in Europe still to carry out a coronation, a ceremony that has its roots in traditions over a...
    The Coronation of King Charles III
  • The First Crusade, 1095–99

      Historian feature
    As Christianity had spread across Europe, Islam had spread across the Middle East. At the end of the eleventh century the relationship between the Muslim leader of Jerusalem and the Christian communities and travellers to the city fractured. Along with other key relationships across Europe, the Middle East and around...
    The First Crusade, 1095–99
  • Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories

    Where Jews appear on school curricula, they tend to appear as victims, particularly in the context of the Nazi genocide. The vibrant diversity of Jewish life in preceding centuries is underexplored, and students are given little context for understanding the growth of antisemitism. This webinar delves into this vibrant richness...
    Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories
  • Recorded Webinar: Peopling London, 47AD–1960

    This webinar explores themes around the causes of migration over time and look at practical outcomes in the classroom. It focuses on migration over time in London from the Saxons to the Windrush, through sources and stories, though the themes and ideas used are relevant to schools beyond London. Topics...
    Recorded Webinar: Peopling London, 47AD–1960
  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision

    In this second webinar in our series on writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman talks about the actual process of writing the story, with examples. The difficulty of the first page - how to start your story with impact and make sure the reader is gripped from the first line....
    Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision
  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 

    In this first webinar about writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman will talk about how ideas grow from reading and thinking about history. Once you have a good idea, then you need to research it properly, starting with secondary sources for context, then moving on to more specific reading. Visits...
    Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 
  • Film: Berengaria of Navarre

      History & Myth
    In this talk Dr Gabrielle Storey discusses the life and times of Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England, lord of Le Mans, and wife of Richard I. Berengaria of Navarre has been inaccurately labelled as the only queen never to have stepped foot in England. This talk will present new analysis...
    Film: Berengaria of Navarre
  • Teaching History 190: Out now

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Read Teaching History 190 As the collection of articles for this issue of Teaching History began to take shape, its title remained rather uncertain. While some of the articles referred explicitly to teaching historical significance, others focused more on teaching students the processes involved in shaping stories about the past....
    Teaching History 190: Out now
  • Film: Rome in the world/the world in Rome with Dr Lucy Donkin

    In-person tickets to HA Annual Conference 2023 are now limited but you can still book for an incredible virtual programme. To give you a taster of the fantastic sessions on offer, we've published one of the sessions from last year's HA Conference on Rome in the world/the world in Rome with...
    Film: Rome in the world/the world in Rome with Dr Lucy Donkin
  • Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea

    Professor Jan Rüger joined the Virtual Branch on 9th February 2023 to talk about his book Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea, tracing a rich history of contact and conflict from the Napoleonic Wars to the Cold War. For generations this North Sea island expressed a German...
    Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea
  • The Coronation of King Charles III

      Resources for secondary schools
    2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The UK is the only country in Europe still to carry out a coronation, a ceremony that has its roots in traditions over a...
    The Coronation of King Charles III
  • The Coronation

      Primary History article
    On 6 May 2023 King Charles III, together with Camilla, the Queen Consort, will be crowned in Westminster Abbey. The Coronation provides rich opportunities for history lessons at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. At Key Stage 1 it naturally lends itself to Key Stage 1 ‘changes within living...
    The Coronation
  • How local history can bridge the gap...

      Primary History article
    A year on from the 2021 Development Matters and it is now much clearer how the changes in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, with its emphasis on the role of communities, place, space and histories, has provided greater support for teachers and children to make the transition from the Understanding the...
    How local history can bridge the gap...
  • Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963

      Primary History article
    March 2023 sees the anniversary of a report that had profound significance on social history and which affected many parts of the United Kingdom. There is every chance that it had an effect close to your school especially if you are in a more rural or coastal area. The Beeching...
    Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963
  • Teaching about the German Occupation of Jersey through the Occupation Tapestry

      Primary History article
    The German Occupation and subsequent liberation of Jersey is particularly significant for schools in Jersey and is included in a new history curriculum being trialled for Key Stage 1 and 2 to be implemented in 2023. For children in Jersey, it relates to a significant event at Key Stage 1...
    Teaching about the German Occupation of Jersey through the Occupation Tapestry
  • Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady

      Historian article
    Joanna Hickson is a hugely successful novelist, specialising in historical fiction, and she describes herself as feeling that she actually lives in the fifteenth century. For readers of The Historian she explores and explains how she developed her understanding and knowledge of a highly significant Tudor woman who is a central figure in two of...
    Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady
  • My great-grandfather and the Italian Campaign

      Historian article
    This remarkable item by a student at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Wakefield was the winning Young Historian entry in the Key Stage 3 Spirit of Normandy Trust category in 2022. I’ve always known my great-grandfather fought in the Second World War, but never like this. When he left the army, he never...
    My great-grandfather and the Italian Campaign
  • The Historian 156: Out now

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Read The Historian 156 The sadness that came with the death of our patron Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is tinged with our appreciation of her willingness many years ago to become our patron. Some of our older members will remember that she and the Duke of Edinburgh attended our...
    The Historian 156: Out now
  • The Historian 156

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    4 Reviews 5 Editorial (Read article - open access) 6 Secular acts and sacred practices in the Italian Renaissance church interior – Joanne Allen (Read article) 11 Philip Larkin: appreciating parish churches – Trevor James (Read article) 14 Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady – Joanna Hickson (Read article) 20 Vera Ignatievna...
    The Historian 156
  • Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils

      Teaching History article
    Confined to his home during lockdown in 2020, teacher Josh Mellor became eager to explore the history of the physical environment on his doorstep. After reading about different approaches to using environmental history in the classroom, Mellor decided to design an enquiry to explore the changing landscape of the Fens in...
    Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils