History 330
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 98, Issue 330

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1. News from Somewhere: Enhanced Sociability and the Composite Definition of Utopia and Dystopia (pages 145-173) - Gregory Claeys
2. A Brotherhood of Britons? Public Schooling, esprit de corps and Colonial Officials in Africa, c.1900-1939 (pages 174-190) - Christopher Prior
3. Operation Market Garden: Strategic Masterstroke or Battle of the Egos? (pages 191-201) - Martin Watts
4. Grassroots Conservatism in Post-War Britain: A View from the Bottom Up (pages 202-225) - Gidon Cohen and Lewis Mates
5. Apparent Perfection: The Image of John F. Kennedy (pages 226-246) - Mark White
Review article
1. Of Sodomites, Effeminates, Hermaphrodites, and Androgynes: Sodomy in the Age of Peter Damian (pages 247-250) - Tom Licence