Free primary curriculum guidance on offer
HA Annual Conference 2023

Opportunity for free curriculum guidance to primary teachers
A message from HA Assistant Vice-President Mike Maddison:
At the HA Annual Conference 2023 I will be leading a primary session entitled ‘How case studies will help you to review, refresh and renew the history curriculum’ (in-person and virtual).
The aim is to provide guidance on how you might improve your curriculum by looking at examples of curriculum practice from schools across the country.
Delegates who attend in person or virtually will leave this session with practical ideas as to how you could rethink and review and re-tweak or re-plan your curriculum. We will achieve this by looking at curriculum plans currently in use in primary schools in England.
So, I have a request: please will you consider letting me have a copy of your primary history curriculum covering the primary years (Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). If selected for this workshop, your curriculum will be anonymised and, in the session, we will tease out what makes it effective (i.e., guidance for others) or how it might be further improved (i.e., guidance for others and you). As a result, your curriculum does not have to be perfect. It would be best to have curricula which are evolving and which you think need changing. Your dilemma, though, is that you are not quite sure what to do. So let a group of professionals help.
I expect to select between 6 and 10 curriculum plans. As a thank you for your help, for each of the curriculum plans selected, I will provide oral guidance for the subject leaders at some point after the conference.
If you are willing to offer your curriculum or want to know more, please contact me by email at:
Thank you
Mike Maddison
Consultant – history and heritage
Associate Vice-President (Strategy and Policy), Historical Association
Former HMI and Ofsted’s National Lead for History 2008-15
HA Annual Conference 2023 – book now
The Historical Association Annual Conference 2023 takes place from Friday 12 - Saturday 13 May in Harrogate and online. In addition to our fantastic keynotes, there are dedicated workshops for primary educators to help develop your historical thinking, feel supported to confront curricular issues, and gain the confidence to teach more diverse histories. Highlights include: Roman history enquiries; supporting SEND children in history lessons; local history; teaching global chronology; and writing as an historian to create robust cross-curricular links between history and English. There are also sessions specially for those in Initial Teacher Education and a cross-phase pathway across different stages of education.
Find out more and book your place here