Living Memory

Studying events within living memory can help young children to gain an early understanding of chronology and that history is made all of the time. It also helps them to understand the world and their place within it. Through this Key Stage 1 unit of study, children are introduced to historical concepts, vocabulary and representations through exploring the ways in which life has changed over the time of their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. This can be used to reveal aspects of national events or changes where possible. Popular areas for this topic include family, toys, holidays, the climate, technology, school, among many others.  In this section you will find articles and guidance to help you plan exciting and creative ways to introduce your children to the study of history.

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  • Planning for 'Changes within Living Memory'


    While changes to the Key Stage 1 subject content are not as extensive as Key Stage 2 it is necessary to be aware of the changing emphasis within the different themes. ‘Changes within Living Memory' has a couple of key issues to be aware of. First, ‘living memory' refers to...

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  • Role play and the past


    The role-play area is often the most popular feature of a foundation stage classroom. For children, it's a source of great fun; for Early Years teachers, it is a wonderful way to develop pupils' language, communication and social development skills. An effective role-play area can also be instrumental in helping...

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  • Using 'Development Matters' in the Foundation stage


    Using ‘Development Matters' to plan learning for history in the Foundation stage You won't find the term history in the Early Years curriculum framework at all. That being so, it can be difficult to know how best to support our Nursery and Reception colleagues when developing historical understanding within the...

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  • Using the back cover image: Westonzoyland War Memorial


    The image on the back cover is of the war memorial in Westonzoyland, Somerset. It consists of a concrete plinth with a metal shell-case set on top, on the front of which is a plaque which reads: ‘This shell was presented by Westonzoyland Parish Council to commemorate the memory of...

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  • Chronology: Developing a coherent knowledge


    Chronology: Developing a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and of the wider world First, this article considers the reasons why it is essential for children to develop a chronological framework. Next it considers ways in which this framework is necessary for the development of the time concepts set...

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  • World War II evacuation project - A living history experience


    Editorial note: The WOW factor. When we first received and read the World War II Evacuation Project case study we simply went WOW! It was genuinely mind-blowing. Below we publish the main sections of the report. They bring to life an invaluable, ground-breaking case-study of national significance. The case-study involved...

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  • Learning to engage with documents through role play


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...

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  • Using classic fiction to support the study of childhood in Victorian times


    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. Classic fiction provides useful sources of information for investigating the lives, beliefs and values of people in the past. In this article Ann Cowling describes activities undertaken with student teachers which may also serve as models...

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  • Oral history - a source of evidence for the primary classroom


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. To help children develop a more rounded awareness of historical understanding, they should have the opportunity to examine different types of evidence. The National Curriculum states that, "children should recognise that the past is represented and interpreted...

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  • A history of the world - 100 objects that tell a story


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Editorial comment: A History of the World is the most creative, imaginative and dynamic development in primary History Education for thirty years. It ties in perfectly with and supports the government's re-vitalisation of primary education that...

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  • History...about lives and living


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Let me start with a personal experience and then move on to a classroom example. I went to Paris for a few days recently and sat in the bar where Hemingway used to drink with...

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  • Introducing history at Key Stage 1: a view from the classroom


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. ‘What are we doing this for?’ I was asked this question as we entered the churchyard to look at the local War memorial. The curiosity and directness of a six year old child is guaranteed...

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  • What was it like to live here in the past? Resourcing the local study


    Finding sources for your local study can be a challenge, particularly if you are not familiar with the history of the area around your school. Please note: this article uses the Images of England website which has now closed down. The images can still be found via the Historic England website. This...

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  • Oral history in primary schools


    Although this article focuses on a distinctive and effective historical activity it is important from the outset to recognise that involvement in oral history also has the potential to enhance learning across the ‘formal curriculum’ and beyond. Talking to older people about their lived experience and recording their memories provides...

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