Living Memory

Studying events within living memory can help young children to gain an early understanding of chronology and that history is made all of the time. It also helps them to understand the world and their place within it. Through this Key Stage 1 unit of study, children are introduced to historical concepts, vocabulary and representations through exploring the ways in which life has changed over the time of their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. This can be used to reveal aspects of national events or changes where possible. Popular areas for this topic include family, toys, holidays, the climate, technology, school, among many others.  In this section you will find articles and guidance to help you plan exciting and creative ways to introduce your children to the study of history.

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  • Pull-out posters: Primary History 90


    Timeline of Queen Elizabeth II Queen and Commonwealth

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  • Teaching about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and events happening there


    The events of the last few days appear to have come out of nowhere to many people, especially children. While tensions have existed in the region for some time Russia’s decision to attack Ukraine was without provocation. To have war return in such a way to the edges of Europe...

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  • Scheme of work: Queen Elizabeth II


    Prior to completing this unit of work, it would be useful for the children to have started to develop an understanding of the substantive concepts of monarchy and royalty through their prior learning. Direct links can be made between studies of specific monarchs and their roles, as well as stories...

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  • Scheme of work: The Platinum Jubilee


    In this unit, children will learn about the significance of the 2022 Platinum Jubilee. They will look at the life of Queen Elizabeth II, from her role as Princess Elizabeth to her coronation and through to 2022, as a great-grandmother and the longest-reigning British monarch. The unit will help children...

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  • Promoting Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage in your primary history curriculum


    It goes without saying that the events of Black Lives Matter have prompted many leaders and teachers to take a step back and reflect on their curriculum content and how effectively it reflects the diverse story of our islands. However, it is not just Black History that is requiring more prominence...

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  • Sporting legacy: the history of endeavour


    One of the highlights of 2021 for many people was getting up early over the summer and avidly watching events at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics unfold: feats of bravery and endurance, heartbreak and celebration. It will, of course, enter the history books and the pub quiz questions, not least because...

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  • Women and space: reaching for the stars


    The exploration of the heavens has drawn mankind since the dawn of time. Vast monuments reached to the stars marked with astrological key points. Astronomers sought to understand the movement of the universe. Since the twentieth century however this investigation has moved into space itself, pioneered by restless and inquisitive souls...

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  • EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games


    This EYFS Medium Term Plan is based around the theme of Toys and Games. It is designed to give teachers and early years practitioners different starting points for learning about the past, across all areas of learning. The activities could be led with a whole class or as small group...

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  • Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history


    Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people are the largest minority ethnic group in some communities (and therefore in some schools) in the UK. Yet the past of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller people may rarely be part of history lessons. The result is that pupils of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage may not...

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  • How to make a toy museum


    Making a museum in your setting or classroom is easy and children can learn all kinds of historical skills as well as developing their mark making and writing. Tees Valley Museums are a consortium of seven venues across the Tees Valley. Together they have created online support to develop a museum...

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  • Anniversary: Festival of Britain 1951


    The Festival of Britain was held 70 years ago. For many this provided a boost for the country after the deprivations of World War II and the economic struggles afterwards. It was designed to be educational and was held 100 years after the Great Exhibition. It was designed to show pride...

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  • Changes in an aspect of social history from 1945 to 2000: youth culture


    A history-themed topic based around music is a popular choice among many teachers and children. Music is after all a thread which runs through all of history, and one through which we can explore many other aspects of life in different times. It can be an exciting avenue into exploring...

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  • Fifty years ago we lost the need to know our twelve times tables


    In the first year of junior school, I was in Mrs Phillip’s class. She was one of those teachers who you remember, but, sadly not for good reasons. I was very frightened of Mrs Phillips and the worst part of every week was the tables test… forwards, backwards and questions...

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  • Belmont’s evacuee children: a local history project


    Teaching about World War II, particularly the home front, continues to be popular in primary schools, despite the government deciding not to include it as a compulsory subject in the new National Curriculum introduced in 2014. Many primary schools still choose to organise an evacuee experience of some kind for pupils...

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  • Take one day: undertaking an in-depth local enquiry


    Local history units of study provide teachers with valuable opportunities, but these can also seem daunting. Potential challenges for teachers include the perceived overwhelming scope of the topic, difficulties in developing subject knowledge and knowing where to find resources. However, none of these is insurmountable, if teachers identify a clear learning...

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  • Scheme of work: Journeys - the story of migration to Britain


    This unit is designed as a thematic course looking at the big picture of migration to Britain over time. There are many ways that the course can be adapted to include different content which may be more relevant for the local community around your school. Most of the content described in...

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  • Anniversaries: The Coventry Blitz and the Grave of the Unknown Soldier


    This Autumn we remember two events related to the impact of war and how people have reacted to them.  The first anniversary remembers the Nazi devastation of Coventry 80 years ago on 14 November 1940 and the second event relates to the body of the ‘Unknown warrior’ who was laid...

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  • Scheme of work: Local history – the story of our High Street


    Teaching a unit that considers ‘changes within living times’ requires a focus that provides clear evidence of those changes. Children need to be able to identify specific differences as well as recognise relevant similarities. While we all still undertake shopping on a daily or weekly basis the processes involved in...

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  • ‘Come all ye fisher lassies’


    When considering either ‘changes within living memory’ for Key Stage 1 or ‘an aspect or theme to develop children’s chronological understanding post 1066’ for Key Stage 2 it is important to focus on a clear observable change. This enables children to draw effective comparisons with their own experiences. Washday, bread...

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  • VE Day 75: free home learning resource

    5th May 2020

    Lots of organisations in the UK had exciting plans to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day but unfortunately many of them will not now go ahead because of the Covid-19 situation. However, that doesn’t mean that young people can’t begin to understand why the first May bank holiday has...

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