Key Stage 4 Reform Update 2012
Published: 6th December 2012

On Wednesday 5 December 2012 Ofqual sent Michael Gove a letter in which they outlined their concerns over Mr Gove's proposed reforms to Key Stage 4 qualifications. Mr Gove responded that despite opposition, if he felt the move to be right, he would still go ahead with his plans.
This news comes as the formal consultation period over key stage 4 reform draws to a close.
The Historical Association has responded to this consultation; you can view our full response by downloading the attachment below.
Summary of Main Points:
- Any new qualification in history should not be based on factual recall. Knowing more facts does not mean getting better at history.
- The expectation that 80% of students will sit the new exam, yet be functioning at a minimum of a grade C in order to be entered is unrealistic.
- The "Statement of Achievement" is not a suitable alternative for those not entered for the examinations
- If new examinations are assessed through 100% external assessment, this should not mean the end of some kind of independent study for history students, nor should it mean in practice solely a reliance upon written examinations.
- For any radical change to 14-16 examinations, schools must be given adequate preparation, training, resources and guidance - especially given that these proposals form part of a much wider proposed reform of the entire curriculum.
Attached files:
- Reforming Key Stage Response From Historical Association
199.5 KB Word document