HA News

  • HA Membership Survey Results 2017

    12th January 2018

    In our 2017 membership surveys we invited you to tell us more about your membership experience, what you value, and what we can do to improve. We would like to say a huge thank you to our 490 members who took the time to respond to the survey and share...

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  • Teaching History 169: Out now

    19th December 2017

    Access Teaching History 169 here (Free to HA Secondary members) Editorial: A Time and a Place The relationship between history and geography in schools is often rather ambivalent. Recent curriculum changes in England have prompted the reconstruction of strong subject boundaries, although many history teachers continue to work alongside their geography...

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  • RAF100 January launch

    15th December 2017

    The RAF 100 Schools project is an exciting and innovative set of resources for schools to explore history and STEM during the Royal Air Force centenary year. The resources have been created by the Historical Association and the Institute of Physics and will all be available free on a new...

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  • History is popular in Primary schools: HA survey findings 2017

    8th December 2017

    History is popular in Primary schools – but it is under-resourced and many teachers do not feel that they are provided with the CPD that they would like to really get to grips with the subject. The majority of primary school teachers do not have a history degree or any...

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  • Report on the HA tour to Belgium October 2017

    17th November 2017

    At a very early hour on the morning of 10 October, 28 hardy souls gathered near Victoria Station to join our seventh biennial HA tour.  Soon we were on our way to the Channel Tunnel and our first destination of Ghent, where we were able to admire Van Eyck’s magnificent...

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  • Primary History 77: Out Now

    4th October 2017

    ‘Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens …’ so the familiar song goes when referring to a few of my favourite things. Hearing Michael Wood speaking at the HA Annual Conference at Manchester about the Anglo-Saxons as one of his own favourite things in history, he made reference to how...

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  • The Cold War

    29th September 2017

    Finding a specific date for the start of the Cold War is difficult, but most historians would agree that by autumn of 1947 the division between East and West was set. Relations between the Allies had been awkward at various points throughout the Second World War, after all for many...

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  • Teaching History 168: out now

    20th September 2017

    ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ In England, as we embark on another academic year with no end in sight to curriculum reform, this particular journey does seem to have gone on for a long time. When grappling with the challenges posed by simultaneous reforms to both A-level and GCSE the demands of...

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  • Well done on GCSE results 2017

    24th August 2017

    Congratulations to all students getting your results today – whatever your history result, you have just passed a big milestone in your life. With all the pressures of the modern world it is important to now take some time out to just relax before the next stage takes over. If...

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  • Well done on A Level results day 2017

    17th August 2017

    Congratulations to all our budding young historians for their A-level results and to their teachers for inspiring them with a love for history and helping them achieve their grades. Students who sat their A-level history in June were the first cohort to be examined in the recently revised linear A-levels....

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