Well done on GCSE results 2017
24 August 2017
Congratulations to all students getting your results today – whatever your history result, you have just passed a big milestone in your life.
With all the pressures of the modern world it is important to now take some time out to just relax before the next stage takes over. If you continue with history the HA can help you with resources and advice. If you are moving on to different areas then we look forward to being able to help you in the decades to come when your love of history becomes a hobby and you want to start attending lectures again.
Regardless of next steps, a knowledge and understanding of history will stand you in good stead for many years to come so whatever you may be thinking today – it was worth it!
Teachers and parents – well done on helping them get this far.
For teachers you are probably already switching your attention to this September and the challenges of the next 10 months. Once again – we will be there to support you.
GCSE developments
Results this year were broadly similar to those in 2016, with 25.8% of students achieving grades A*-A and 65.2% achieving A*-C grades. History continues to be the 7th most popular subject, making up 4.7% of entries across the UK.
The first cohort of students will sit the revised GCSEs in history in summer 2018. Early indications suggest numbers are holding up well. Areas where teachers have expressed concerns are about the standards expected and the amount of content to cover.
Katharine Burn and Richard Harris are just beginning to analyse data from the 2017 Survey into History in English Secondary Schools and responses suggest just over 60% of teachers do not feel they have had sufficient information from the exam boards to be confident about expect standards. There are also worried about text books with 62% saying appropriate textbooks are not available and 49% saying their schools could not provide sufficient textbooks.
Full details of the 2017 Survey findings will be available in the autumn.