HA News

  • Teaching History 165: Out now

    18th December 2016

    It might seem foolish, at a time when history teachers in England, facing new public examinations at every level, are most anxiously seeking to determine exactly what the specifications require of their students, to urge them to think  afresh about curriculum breadth. Yet it isprecisely at this moment, as new...

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  • The Historian 131: Out Now

    11th November 2016

    The Historian’s unique status as a membership journal brings with it many advantages deriving from its position in the voluntary sector. I t means, for example, that all our contributors are volunteers who share the wider membership’s enthusiasm for history in all its forms. Feedback from members reveals that they...

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  • Young Historian Awards 2016 - Winners

    28th October 2016

    It's that time of year again when we celebrate the future of history by recognising young historians. Each year the Historical Association partners with the Spirit of Normandy Trust to award young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of...

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  • Primary History 74: Out Now

    27th October 2016

    Last year I was lucky enough to visit some of the First World War battlefields in Belgium, alongside student primary teachers from the University of Cumbria and Leeds Trinity University. As well as confirming the benefits of field trips and introducing me to joint trips – something I can definitely...

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  • Cornwall Branch to be revived

    26th October 2016

    The Cornwall Branch of the Historical Association is about to be revived after an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting [date to be fixed soon]) with the support of the Penryn (Falmouth) Campus of the University of Exeter, its staff (particularly Dr Garry Tregidga [to be Chair], Bob Keys [to be Treasurer],...

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  • Teaching History 164: Out now

    21st September 2016

    If you have ever been lucky enough to teach in a classroom near the music department during a band rehearsal, you will know that feedback can be painful. The sensation of overwhelming noise drowns out all else, including rational thought. The ‘noise’ around any discussion of assessment and feedback can...

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  • The Heroine Project Presents

    31st August 2016

    In 1915 aspiring journalist Dorothy Lawrence left London for northern France with ambitions to become the first female war correspondent. What happened next defied authority, convention – and challenges traditional depictions of women’s role in World War One. Theatre company The Heroine Project Presents will create a lasting legacy for...

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  • Congratulations to our 2016 A-Level Historians!

    18th August 2016

    Congratulations to everyone who has received their AS and A-Level History results today! We hope you have got the grade you wanted, or at least the one you expected and that all that hard work and effort has paid off. To teachers we also offer our congratulations – another successful...

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  • Antony Beevor Medlicott Speech 2016

    16th August 2016

    Eminent historian Antony Beevor is one of those writers who is respected and admired by his peers, as well as being popular with a mass audience. His many books published over the last 35 years have explored aspects of Britain and Europe’s military history that have brought the human side...

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  • The Historian 130: Out now

    2nd August 2016

    The origins of this edition of The Historian lie in the realisation that 1916 was a huge landmark in the course of the First World War. The first great campaign of Kitchener’s ‘new Army’ was to take place on the Somme, in July 1916, and was to break through the...

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