Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • History through connecting classrooms in Bradford and Peshawar, Pakistan

      Primary History article
    Editorial note: In this inspiring, teacher-led, crossphase project, pupils and teachers from eight schools in Bradford and Peshawar shared and learned about the histories of Bradford and Pakistan. The British Council’s Connecting Classrooms Scheme funded the project. The article below focuses on the primary dimension. In 2008 three representatives from Bradford...
    History through connecting classrooms in Bradford and Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Teaching History 120: Diversity and Divisions

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    05’Why can’t they just live together happily, Miss?’ Unravelling the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict at GCSE – Alison Stephen (Read article) 11 Breaking the 20 year rule: very modern history at GCSE – Chris Culpin (Read article) 15 Cunning Plan: Why was Berlin such a significant theatre of conflict after...
    Teaching History 120: Diversity and Divisions
  • Immerse yourself in history

    Historical Association membership is an enjoyable way to learn and expand your history knowledge, take part in local and national events, gain access to expertise and meet others with a similar interest in history. Membership includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine The Historian delivered directly to your door and access to the...
    Immerse yourself in history
  • Virtual Branch: Shylock's Venice

      The remarkable history of Venice’s Jews and the Ghetto
    This is the story of the Venice Ghetto, the corner of the city where Jews were exiled; free to walk the streets by day, locked behind gates and walls at night. Yet, gates and walls notwithstanding, from its establishment in 1516 until the fall of Venice in 1798, the ghetto...
    Virtual Branch: Shylock's Venice
  • Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe

    Normandy originated from a grant of land to Rollo, a Viking leader, in the early tenth century. By the end of that century Normans were to be found in southern Italy, then in Britain and, at the end of the eleventh century, in the near East on the First Crusade....
    Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe
  • Recorded webinar: Invisible assessment within an enquiry

      Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom
    This session explores the constant, routine assessment that goes on throughout the history lessons that make up a single enquiry – assessment that forms such a natural part of history teaching that it’s sometimes difficult to notice it as assessment. What is the purpose of this assessment? How can we...
    Recorded webinar: Invisible assessment within an enquiry
  • Recorded webinar: Avoiding confusion with chronology and change in primary history

      Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history
    This practical webinar identifies what confuses pupils in the teaching of chronology and the disciplinary concept of change and continuity and shows how such confusion and misconceptions can be avoided and challenged. Examples of careful planning and activities are given so that pupils can develop an accurate and nuanced understanding of...
    Recorded webinar: Avoiding confusion with chronology and change in primary history
  • Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire

      Foundations and Memory
    What can the early history of the English East India Company tell us about the foundations of the British Empire, and where does that history sit within current debates about Britain’s imperial legacy? In this session Mark Williams offers a timely insight into the history of one of the most significant...
    Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire
  • Recorded Webinar: What does great oracy look like in history?

    This session explores the features of good student oracy in a non-disciplinary sense, but also within the setting of a history classroom. It explores how to identify these features in the day to day of teaching history and is part of our CPD series on effective oracy in the secondary history classroom.
    Recorded Webinar: What does great oracy look like in history?
  • Film: China's Good War

      How World War II is shaping a new nationalism
    In this lecture Professor Mitter uses film and other propaganda works to explore how key events of global history are being represented in China to develop a different understanding of its own past. The talk addresses a number of the factors for this change in how China is reflecting on...
    Film: China's Good War
  • Film: Write your own historical fiction

    Film: Write your own historical fiction
  • How to Read Local Archives 1550-1700

      Classic Pamphlet
    The aim of this pamphlet is to encourage those interested in English history, especially university and school teachers, trainee teachers, and tutors of English and local history courses and classes, to teach themselves and their students how to read the last of the pre-italic handwritings, if they are not familiar...
    How to Read Local Archives 1550-1700
  • History and Journalism (1): Kristallnacht - How studying history can help with a career as an investigative journalist

      History & Careers Unit 1
    The aim of this enquiry is to show students that a history education teaches many of the skills that are vital if they want to pursue and career as a journalist.
    History and Journalism (1): Kristallnacht - How studying history can help with a career as an investigative journalist
  • Online course: Teaching empire through material culture

      HA online course for primary and secondary teachers
    The topic of empire lends itself ideally to a material approach – the objects often provide the opportunity to bring in indigenous voices to our study of the imperial past, while our classroom experience has shown that objects provide a powerful channel through which to access complex and sometimes uncomfortable...
    Online course: Teaching empire through material culture
  • Welcome back to a new school year

    Welcome back to a new school year
  • Welcome back to a new school year

    Welcome back to a new school year
  • Primary History 17

    2 News for the Young Historian Scheme - Trevor James 2 Editorial 4 Developing design and technology through history Gordon Guest 7 The Primary Latin Project Barbara Bell 11 Why teach about time in the primary school? Pat Hoodless 13 History in the Primary Years: The State of the Nation...
    Primary History 17
  • Triumphs Show 120.2: using role play to explain military history

      Teaching History feature
    Julian Critchley demonstrates how role play can be used to explain military history.
    Triumphs Show 120.2: using role play to explain military history
  • The Historian 33

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    3 Feature: The Ending of a Myth: The Fall of Singapore, 1942, Joseph Kennedy 9 Update: The Conservative Party and British Politics 1902-40, Stuart Ball 12 Education Forum: The Job of an Archives Education Officer, Mary Mills  28 Spotlight: Sheffield
    The Historian 33