Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • Find out more about Corporate Secondary Membership

      Supporting high quality history
    Read Simon's 4 reasons for taking out Corporate membership  Watch the film above for an overview of corporate membership benefits. Corporate membership supports quality history provision across your school. It's the ideal option if you'd like multiple staff in your department to benefit from available resources and CPD support, while enjoying enhanced...
    Find out more about Corporate Secondary Membership
  • Primary History 76

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    04 Editorial (Read article) 05 HA Primary News 06 Learning about the past through a study of houses and homes by Helen Crawford (Read article) 08 Coherence in primary history: what is it and how can it be achieved? By Tim Lomas (Read article) 14 Ideas for teaching at key stage...
    Primary History 76
  • Recorded webinar series: Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the UN Convention on Genocide

      Multipage Article
    9 December 2023 was the 75th anniversary of the passing of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (known as the UN Convention on Genocide). The convention was a clear statement by the international community that crimes of that nature should never happen...
    Recorded webinar series: Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the UN Convention on Genocide
  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

      How the HA is marking our patron Queen Elizabeth II's long reign
    This summer our patron, Queen Elizabeth II, has her Platinum Jubilee. It is the longest reign of any British monarch. For many of us in the UK and abroad, she is the only head of state that we have ever known. In those 70 years that she has been queen,...
    The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
  • Help the National Portrait Gallery develop their schools offer

      1st December 2021
    The National Portrait Gallery is looking for teachers – secondary art, secondary history, primary school and teachers working in specialist settings – to help develop their schools offer. The Gallery is currently undergoing a massive transformation that will include a complete rehang of all their galleries, a new state-of-the-art learning centre, and...
    Help the National Portrait Gallery develop their schools offer
  • Find out more about Corporate Primary Membership

      Supporting high quality history
    Watch the film above for an overview of corporate membership benefits. Corporate membership supports quality history provision across your school. .It's the ideal option if you'd like multiple staff to benefit from resources and CPD, while enjoying enhanced benefits such as subject leader guides and selected free webinar recordings for just £81 inluding VAT. Enjoy all the benefits of...
    Find out more about Corporate Primary Membership
  • Exclusive webinar offer with corporate membership

      Built-in CPD recording for school members
    We work hard to develop our offer in response to teachers' changing needs and recent months have seen several developments to our CPD provision. In our membership surveys you told us that you wanted more built-in free CPD for members, so last year we introduced a new corporate recording offer which allows...
    Exclusive webinar offer with corporate membership
  • 20th anniversary of 9/11 – a personal reflection

      1st September 2021
    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing as the news began to reach me about there being a terrorist attack in the United States. It didn’t seem real and if I hadn’t been working in Westminster where these things are taken very seriously, I might not...
    20th anniversary of 9/11 – a personal reflection
  • The Historical Association Response to the Initial Teacher Training Market Review Consultation

      26th August 2021
    On 5 July 2021 the government launched a consultation into proposals for reform of initial teacher training in England following a review of the market. The recommendations are part of wider reforms to initial teacher training. The proposals outlined in the consultation included the extension of courses to allow for...
    The Historical Association Response to the Initial Teacher Training Market Review Consultation
  • Reading Branch Programme

    Reading Branch Programme 2023-24     Enquiries to Branch President Chris Sexton   Lectures are held on Friday evenings - one per month from October to March - as detailed below. They all take place at Reading School, Erleigh Road, Reading RG1 5LR.  A plan of the school site...
    Reading Branch Programme
  • The Historian 131: 1066 in 2016

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    4 Reviews (See latest reviews online) 5 Editorial (Read article) 6 1066 in 2016 - David Bates (Read article) 12 Populism, Progressivism and Trumpism: third party, inter-party and intra-party candidates in campaigns for the American presidency - Michael Dunne (Read article) 19 The President’s Column 20 Admiral Lord Mountbatten: man of science...
    The Historian 131: 1066 in 2016
  • Making the most of your secondary membership

    Making the most of your HA membership HA membership offers much more than just your subscription to Teaching History. As a member you can enjoy a holistic package of benefits and resources designed to support you, whatever challenge you may face. With the vast array of support available it can...
    Making the most of your secondary membership
  • Ofqual: Quality assurance for GCSE, AS and A level

      27th April 2021
    With exams cancelled, summer 2021 grades will be determined by schools and colleges. Every year, there is teacher assessment in subjects with non-exam assessment and schools and colleges will be familiar with moderation arrangements. This summer, with exams cancelled, the context is very different, so the quality assurance (QA) process...
    Ofqual: Quality assurance for GCSE, AS and A level
  • Higher Education Committee biographies

      HA Committees
    Read the Higher Education Committee's remit Find out more about the HA's committees Katharine Burn Katharine Burn is Associate Professor of Education at the University of Oxford, where she teaches on the PGCE History programme and on a range of part-time Masters courses for practising teachers. She is co-editor of the HA’s professional...
    Higher Education Committee biographies
  • A milestone for HA membership

      19th March 2021
    We're delighted to share the incredible news that as of end February 2021 the HA has over 10,000 members. That figure includes both individual and school or organisational members covering multiple members of staff, and means that really many thousands more teachers, students and general history lovers are now members...
    A milestone for HA membership
  • Supporting resources

    A wealth of resources exist on the rest of the HA website and on the HA Secondary Committee’s blog onebighistorydepartment (OBHD) to help teachers and to support better history teaching. In addition, many books and articles have been published that are easily available to school history teachers. On this page you...
    Supporting resources
  • Virtual Branch Film: The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin

      Virtual Branch
    Between 26 February and 2 March you can watch Jonathan Phillips’s 2020 HA Virtual Conference keynote talk on The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin. Phillips’s talk reveals how a man initially branded as ‘the son of Satan’ became so esteemed in Europe and, through extensive new research, we will follow how...
    Virtual Branch Film: The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin
  • Making the most of your primary membership

    Making the most of your HA membership HA membership offers much more than just your subscription to Primary History. As a member you can enjoy a wholistic package of benefits and resources designed to support you, whatever challenge you may face. With the vast array of support available it can...
    Making the most of your primary membership
  • Equality, representation and the census with Professor David Olusoga

      Let's Count! Office for National Statistics and iChild's education resource programme
    To support Census 2021, Office for National Statistics, together with education resource centre, iChild, have developed the free primary education resource programme Let’s Count! The programme includes 14 cross-curricular resources covering key areas of the English and Welsh primary curriculum. Let’s Count! has achieved accreditation from MEI, NATE and the Geographical Association....
    Equality, representation and the census with Professor David Olusoga
  • Guidance for would-be history teacher trainees

      An interview with history NQTs
    Are you considering history teaching as a career option? Knowing where to start, what to expect from teaching and whether teacher training is right for you can feel like a leap into the unknown. We spoke to three recently qualified teachers, Ben Kirby, Liam Frondigoun and Alex Schmidt, all based...
    Guidance for would-be history teacher trainees
  • City of Lincoln Branch Programme

    City of Lincoln Branch Programme 2023-24 Branch contact: All enquiries to Prof. Jamie Wood Venue: unless otherwise stated, all talks start at 6.15pm, and will take place on the University of Lincoln’s Brayford Pool campus. Branch membership: £20 per year. Talks free to national HA members, students, teachers and...
    City of Lincoln Branch Programme
  • The Dawson Lectures

      Multipage Article
    In 2021, Ian Dawson suggested there should be a place and a way for us to honour and respect those who have gone above and beyond to help support, nurture and promote those involved with teaching, as well as producing resources and guidance that can assist teachers with developing their...
    The Dawson Lectures
  • Corporate webinar recording offer: terms and conditions

    From 10 December 2020, corporate members of the HA are eligible to receive access to a recording of a paid CPD webinar of their choice subject to availability and the following terms and conditions. To join or upgrade to corporate membership, please contact our membership team or call 0300 100...
    Corporate webinar recording offer: terms and conditions
  • The Medlicott Medal

      HA Awards
    Our annual award the Medlicott Medal is awarded to individuals for outstanding services and current contributions to history. The Medlicott winner is notified in advance of their win so that they can give a talk. The Historical Association's annual event is becoming a must for local, educational and academic historians....
    The Medlicott Medal
  • Develop your whole school history provision

      New and improved features
    Corporate membership offers a comprehensive package of support. It delivers all the benefits of individual membership plus an enhanced tier of resources and CPD access to boost the development of your teaching staff and delivery of your whole school history provision. Enhanced benefits include:  Exclusive access to guides in the...
    Develop your whole school history provision