History 373

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 106, Issue 373

Published: 5th January 2022


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  1. Anchorites, Wise Folk and Magical Practitioners in Twelfth-Century England (pp 709-726)Tom Licence

  2. A Mother Educating her Daughter Remotely through Familial Correspondence: The Letter as a Form of Female Distance Education in the Eighteenth Century (pp 727-750) – Rachel Bynoth (Open Access)

  3. William Gladstone and the Homeric Constitution (pp 751-774) – Alastair Paynter

  4. A Roman Holiday? African Americans and Italians in the Second World War (pp 775-803) – Christian O'Connell

  5. State of the Field: Sensory History (pp 804-820) – William Tullett

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