Kett's Rebellion 1549
Classic Pamphlet

Rebellion in Norfolk
On 20 june, 1549, the men of the town of Attleborough and of the neighbouring hamlets of Eccles and Wilby, in South Norfolk, threw down the fences recently erected by John Green, lord of the manor of Beckhall in Wilby, round part of the common over which they all had grazing rights. Their mission accomplished, they dispersed to their homes, and for over a fortnight their was no further trouble.
But the weekend of 6-8 July found the men of these, and of many other, places congregated in the town of Wymondham to celebrate the festival of the Translation of St Thomas a Becket, whose chapel stood there.
It was an opportunity for exchanging information about and venting indignation at, local enclosing activities, as well as for hearing about the commotions already in progress to the south athwart the great road which linked Norwich through Wymondham, Thetford, Newmarket and Cambridge with London.
This pamphlet looks at Robert Kett and the Norfolk Rebellion.
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