History news

  • Good Evening Sweetheart: real-life romance of young couple separated by WWII

    2nd July 2019

    Historical romances are not always confined to fiction and flights of fancy – sometimes they actually occur within our own communities. The real-life romantic story of two young people separated by war was uncovered by Sue and Peter Mowforth who revealed the experience of their parents in a talk to the...

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  • Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles 1919

    1st July 2019

    The end of June 2019 marked the centenary of the formal ending of the First World War. 11 November 1918 was only the Armistice – it needed a peace treaty to truly end the war. The Treaty of Versailles between the Allies and Germany was signed on 28 June 1919:...

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  • HA Conference Round-up 2019

    3rd June 2019

    We knew the line-up of speakers was good, we knew that the historic city of Chester was a great choice, we knew the hotel would be welcoming, we knew we were going to cover around 2,000 years’ worth of history from the Romans to the current day in two days...

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  • Remembering D-Day: 75 years on

    3rd June 2019

    This month it will be the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy. That courageous and astounding action was one of the key turning points that led to the end of the Second World War and the defeat of Nazism. The further in time we move from that day...

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  • Historian 141: Out now

    22nd May 2019

    Read The Historian 141 The intention for this edition of The Historian was to raise the profile of local history by exploring some new approaches, or at least some new emphases. You will find that these include my attempt to expand from my original conditioning, as an ‘adherent’ of W.G...

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  • The Historian 140: Out now

    21st February 2019

    It sometimes seems to those of us living in Scotland, Ireland and Wales that our histories have no importance to anyone beyond our borders and when Americans, and others around the world, say ‘England’ when they actually mean the ‘United Kingdom’, it is hard not to bristle. Contributors to this...

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  • LGBT History Month

    8th February 2019

    Over the years the HA has done a lot to explore and raise awareness about LGBT history.  So for this year we thought it was about time that we pulled some of the information together so that you can find out more and, if you wish, present it to others....

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  • HA News, Spring 2019

    7th February 2019

    The latest edition of HA News includes full details of the 2019 Annual Conference programme in one of England's oldest cities – Chester, as well as news from the world of history education, an obituary of former HA President Donald Read (1930-2018), the centenary of the Nuneaton Branch, updates on Young Quills and the Great Debate, HA tours,...

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  • 2019 Medlicott Medal for services to history

    31st January 2019

    We are delighted to announce that the 2019 Medlicott Medal will be awarded to Professor Dame Janet L. Nelson – better known to all as Jinty. Jinty is a distinguished scholar of early medieval Europe and an influential figure to many historians. Her research has explored ideas of kingship and...

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  • 100 not out: the Nuneaton branch centenary

    31st January 2019

    For the 2018–19 season, the Nuneaton Branch of the HA is celebrating its centenary. Founded in 1919, by 1921 there were 78 members. In 1924, members went on a ‘charabanc’ tour of Leicestershire churches, ending at Fenny Drayton, where they joined in the celebrations for the tercentenary of the birth...

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