History news

  • The Georgian Papers – a virtual ‘madness’

    2nd December 2019

    Last month the Georgian Papers Programme released a new virtual exhibition available online. Exploring the myth and reality of the alleged ‘madness of King George III’, the exhibition is an interesting step in examining the past and exploring its relevance for contemporary discourses. Entitled ‘George III: the Eighteenth Century’s Most...

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  • The Berlin Wall – 30 years on

    1st November 2019

    The Berlin Wall was one of the most important symbols of the political and ideological divisions in Europe during the Cold War. The physical presence of a wall that quite literally cut a city, a country and Europe into two sides was a constant reminder of how separate East and...

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  • Modern China at 70

    1st October 2019

    Right now some of you are thinking ‘but China is far older than 70’, and while you are correct, the China we know today – Modern China – is indeed only 70 years old. The Ancient China of the Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors and priceless Ming vases was upended and...

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  • Remembering and celebrating

    27th September 2019

    Congratulations to Charlotte Lee who got married earlier this year and decided to remember her late father in the most incredible way. Stephen J Lee was Head of History at Bromsgrove School in Birmingham, UK. His publications include Russia and the USSR (Routledge, 2005) and Hitler and Nazi Germany, 2nd...

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  • Young Historian Awards 2019 – Winners

    16th September 2019

    Each year the Historical Association partners with The Spirit of Normandy Trust to award young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of themes. The competition is divided into age brackets and the entry at secondary level is by essay judged...

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  • HA News, Autumn 2019

    10th September 2019

    Welcome to the first of a new format for HA News, with a new look, a new editor, and a new feature article exploring historical anniversaries and themes. HA News now also includes Tony Badger's President's Column. The latest edition also includes updates from the HA plus our education team and committees, news of Jubilee Fellows for...

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  • Battle of Arnhem Anniversary

    2nd September 2019

    This September marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem in 1944 - otherwise known as Operation Market Garden. Launched on 17 September, it was an Allied attack to take further parts of Western Europe from Nazi control and continue the push created over the summer. Building on the successes...

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  • Peterloo 200

    31st July 2019

    16 August 2019 marks 200 years since the events of Peterloo – known to many as the Peterloo massacre – when peaceful protesters were mowed down by a cavalry charge at St Peter’s Field in Manchester. The 60,000–80,000 strong crowd had gathered as part of a campaign to demand greater...

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  • HA Awards Evening 2019

    17th July 2019

    On a hot afternoon in July key figures of the history world came together to celebrate history in all its diversity. Throughout the year, across the UK individuals with a passion for history work to educate, inform, entertain and excite those around them about the past. The Historical Association awards...

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  • One Giant Leap – 50 years since the Apollo 11 Moon landing

    2nd July 2019

    “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” is one of the most famous sentences of the 20th century, and it was about science and exploration not conflict – or was it? For centuries humanity has stared at the Moon and attributed to it portents of good...

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