History news

  • New theory may explain one of Stonehenge's mysteries

    3rd April 2018

    Historians have put forward a new theory to solve a mystery that has long baffled experts – why Stonehenge’s Neolithic builders went to the great effort of bringing some of its huge stones from 155 miles away in south-west Wales. "In contemporary Western culture, we are always striving to make...

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  • New X-ray technique sheds light on Syriac Galen Palimpsest

    3rd April 2018

    The Syriac Galen Palimpsest is a fascinating and (until now) frustrating historical manuscript. For several years it has been known to contain traces of a 6th-century translation of a treatise ‘On simple drugs’ by the renowned early physician Galen. However, this original text had been erased and overwritten with psalms in the 11th century, and despite...

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  • Hunt for the Nation's Secret, Forgotten or Unknown Memorials

    2nd April 2018

    Hunt for the nation’s secret, forgotten or unknown memorials announced | Historic England Murals and shrines, statues, inscriptions on benches and trees, Historic England is asking the public to share their knowledge of England’s secret, unknown and forgotten memorials. They are looking photographs and information about lesser-known memorials, and those that...

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  • Open access edition of History journal

    6th March 2018

    History is a peer-reviewed academic journal published five times a year for those who want to explore aspects of history with more depth.  It was established in 1916 and features original articles, book reviews, and archive pieces in all areas of historical scholarship. The latest edition offers an eclectic range...

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  • The HA presents books by Asa Briggs to Keighley Library

    28th February 2018

    When Professor Asa Briggs died in 2016, the Historical Association lost a very dear and loyal friend. As a result the decision was made to publish a special edition of The Historian to celebrate the life of Lord Briggs. The intention was to focus on his work and achievements as an...

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  • The Historian 136: Out now

    22nd February 2018

    Regular readers of The Historian will have noticed that our Editorial Board have been, over many years, identifying significant historical anniversaries which we feel are important to recognise. In this edition you will find three articles which deliberately identify the fiftieth anniversary of the Sexual Offences Act (1967) as a...

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  • 100 Years of Suffrage

    6th February 2018

    The Representation of the People Act of 1918 gave the vote to all men and some women. Was it the greatest turning point in the history of British democracy? The Historical Association is looking forward to exploring that very question at the final of our Great Debate competition for students...

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  • New online records shed light on Suffrage movement

    5th February 2018

    New online records reveal that “militant” Suffragettes were largely well educated, in their 30s and born in the South East Home Office & police files detail those on the front lines of the suffrage movement Records reveal that most “militant” suffragettes were well educated, in their 30s and born in...

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  • Staffordshire’s War: Voices of the First World War


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  • Case Red: The Collapse of France, 1940


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