Ofsted Report, October 2009

An Ofsted report published today showcases 20 primary schools in very challenging circumstances that have been rated 'outstanding' at least twice.
The 20 schools, from across England, defy the association of disadvantage with low standards. They serve communities where pupils come from poorer urban backgrounds and an above average proportion receives free school meals.
The report, Twenty outstanding primary schools - Excelling against the odds, shows they succeed by having the highest expectations for every pupil and staff member. It follows a similar report launched earlier this year that looked at the ingredients that lead to outstanding secondary schools.
Her Majesty's Chief Inspector, Christine Gilbert said: "Through their passion and professionalism these schools provide great service to children and young people. They show other schools how they can reduce the achievement gap between pupils from different backgrounds.
"Children are treated as individuals and have the support and expectation to achieve. Staff are passionate about finding ways of doing things better, with a relentless focus on progress in children's learning. High quality leadership ensures no effort is spared to give pupils a strong foundation.
"It is our aim at Ofsted to identify and share better practice to support improvement. Many of the stories in this report are inspiring. They show how schools, regardless of their context, can help young people make something of their lives. I hope that other schools will find it useful and inspiring too."
Ofsted will be highlighting the success of these schools with a series of photo opportunities around the country today.
We are sending you this alert because we want to make sure our stakeholders are aware of all the ways in which we are working with providers to raise standards and improve the lives of young people and learners.
Sharing good practice gives providers and policymakers the opportunity to see what works - and makes a practical contribution to good services.
The full report can be found on the Ofsted website.
The promo page with photos and case studies is here...
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