HA News

  • Write your own Historical Fiction 2019 – The Winners!

    17th October 2019

    This year we had a wonderful response, with more entries than ever before from secondary schools. There was also an excellent response from primary schools and in both categories entries came from International schools as well as schools in the UK – so a BIG WELL DONE to everyone who...

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  • HA Awards Evening 2019

    17th July 2019

    On a hot afternoon in July key figures of the history world came together to celebrate history in all its diversity. Throughout the year, across the UK individuals with a passion for history work to educate, inform, entertain and excite those around them about the past. The Historical Association awards...

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  • Save on HA Membership – join with other schools in your MAT

    News Item

    At the HA, we know that budgets are tight and being able to afford access to the best CPD, guidance and support is increasingly difficult. We are here to help. If you are part of a Multi-Academy Trust or federation, or soft federation of local authority schools, you can save money on...

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  • Get ahead as a secondary trainee teacher with HA membership

    News Item

    Calling all secondary trainee teachers! To help kick-start your teaching career the HA offer a two-year trainee membership deal for just £55 at the online-only rate – which works out at less than £2.30 per month. This cost-effective two-year package is over 10% cheaper than standard concessionary membership and includes...

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  • HA Conference Round-up 2019

    3rd June 2019

    We knew the line-up of speakers was good, we knew that the historic city of Chester was a great choice, we knew the hotel would be welcoming, we knew we were going to cover around 2,000 years’ worth of history from the Romans to the current day in two days...

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  • Young Quills 2019 shortlist

    10th May 2019

    Books, books, books – we’ve been surrounded by books in the HA office and what is more, we’ve been relying on other people to tell us about them. Yes, it’s been Young Quills reviewing time. From the start of this year pupils and students around the country have been delving...

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  • Teaching History 174: Out now

    12th April 2019

    Structure pervades our professional lives. From timetables to exam specs; from paragraph cohesion to causal mind maps; from boxing-match debates to formal moots, we spend a lot of time organising ourselves or our students into useful patterns. Even our lessons which exist on the edge of chaos require a lot...

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  • Stephen Lawrence Day introduced in schools and at the London Marathon

    29th March 2019

    The Stephen Lawrence Trust was formed to provide a positive legacy to the senseless racially-motivated murder of Stephen Lawrence. This 22 April, the date of Stephen’s birthday, will be the inaugural national Stephen Lawrence Day. Every school in England has received a free information pack, including a personal letter from...

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  • Survey into History in English Secondary Schools 2018

    14th March 2019

    For the past ten years, the Historical Association (HA) has worked with the University of Oxford and Reading University to carry out in-depth research on the state of history teaching in schools. These reports have informed decision-makers at the highest level, notably government, Ofsted and examination boards. The reports also...

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  • Primary History 81: Out now

    13th March 2019

    It seems we can’t escape the word ‘curriculum’ these days. The start of the year has brought us Ofsted’s new draft inspection framework, currently out for consultation. There is a new focus on the substance of education: what gets taught and how it gets taught. At first glance, there is...

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