HA News

  • HA News, Autumn 2020

    6th October 2020

    In the autumn edition of HA News Jake Subryan Richards explores the Black Lives Matter movement and new HA President Peter Mandler looks at the toppling of statues; we remember Professors Justin Champion and Mark Ormrod who both passed away this year; and there is an inspiring 'What got me into history' by Peter D'Sena.  This HA News also includes...

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  • Windrush Day

    22nd June 2020

    To help you find out more about Black British history during this period we have released the following resources from our archive:

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  • Professor Justin Champion

    18th June 2020

    With great sadness the Historical Association has learned of the death of our former President, Professor Justin Champion on 10th June after a long illness. Justin was President of the Historical Association from May 2014 until May 2017 and he was a very popular choice, partly because of his background...

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  • Tackling racism: a continuing dialogue

    10th June 2020

    Recent events in the UK and the USA have once more raised the issue of racism to the top of the news agenda, providing us all with an opportunity to reflect on the type of society we want to live in and that we want to create. Racism has deep...

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  • Welcoming Peter Mandler as the new Historical Association President

    30th April 2020

    We are delighted to announce that Professor Peter Mandler has accepted the position of President of the HA. Professor Mandler will be taking over the position from Professor Tony Badger who will step down this later this year. Peter Mandler was born in the USA in 1958, educated at Oxford and...

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  • HA Secondary History Survey 2019

    21st April 2020

    Each year the HA carries out a survey into secondary schools to collect data on how history is taught and to uncover overall issues and concerns in education and teaching. The data is then analysed by teaching academics who are able to use the data from each survey to track...

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  • Professor Rana Mitter – Medlicott Medal awardee 2021

    3rd March 2020

    Last year we announced that the 2020 Medlicott award would go to Professor Rana Mitter. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions of 2020 we were unable to host an event that would allow us to present the award to Professor Mitter; we have decided, therefore, to hold the award over to...

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  • HA News, Spring 2020

    4th February 2020

    In the spring edition of HA News Paula Kitching looks at VE day 75 years on, there is an inspiring 'What got me into history' and our Glasgow Branch share their experience of capturing memories from the First World War. We're also introducing a new Book Club feature to explore books that...

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  • The Georgian Papers – a virtual ‘madness’

    2nd December 2019

    Last month the Georgian Papers Programme released a new virtual exhibition available online. Exploring the myth and reality of the alleged ‘madness of King George III’, the exhibition is an interesting step in examining the past and exploring its relevance for contemporary discourses. Entitled ‘George III: the Eighteenth Century’s Most...

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  • Write your own Historical Fiction 2019 – The Winners!

    17th October 2019

    This year we had a wonderful response, with more entries than ever before from secondary schools. There was also an excellent response from primary schools and in both categories entries came from International schools as well as schools in the UK – so a BIG WELL DONE to everyone who...

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