Bristol Branch Programme

Bristol Branch Programme 2024-25



1st September 2024, 4-6pm

Dr Evan Jones University of Bristol

Via Dolorosa walk from Newgate Gaol to Bewell's Cross


25th September 2024 7.30pm

Dr Claire Knight

Joseph Stalin, Film Star: the Cult of Personality on Soviet Screens


23rd October 2024 7.30pm

Professor James Thompson University of Bristol

The First Labour Government – 1924


20th November 2024 7.30pm

Professor Kate Skinner University of Bristol

The Widow’s Wrath: inheritance struggles in postcolonial Ghana, West Africa


11th December 2024 7.30pm

Professor Ronald Hutton University of Bristol, MA (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), FRHistS, FSA, FLSW, FBA

The History of Christmas


15th January 2025 7.30pm

Professor Martin Conway Balliol College Oxford

The History of the Present


29th January 2025, 7pm

Venue TBC

The Annual Bristol HA Quiz

Our Annual Pub Quiz to test your historical knowledge and raise money for the branch. Contact our treasurer if you can make up a team of four, or if not, we can help you find team-mates.


12th February 2025 7.30pm

Dr Richard Fisher Bristol University Research Fellow

Three Choirs and a Reformation: English Cathedrals under the Tudors


5th March 2025 7.30pm

Professor Simon Potter University of Bristol

Are you Sitting Uncomfortably? The BBC and Social and Cultural Change in Britain since the 1950s


2nd April 2025 7.30pm

Professor Alexandra Walsham University of Cambridge, Current President of the HA

Persecution and Toleration in England 1400-1700


7th May 2025 7.30pm

Dr Daria Mattingley University of Chichester

Nikita Khrushchev and Ukraine


11th June 2025 7.30pm

Rob Pritchard Bristol HA

The Bristol Blitz and The John Penny Archive


Please contact Mary Feerick Secretary or 0117 9442898 for further details or use our website

Annual branch membership is £15. All lectures are free to National HA members as well as University of Bristol staff & all students. Guests pay £3 on the door for a single lecture. Further details are available on our website,  Facebook and Twitter feed.

Our lectures are normally held in Lecture Theatre B.H05LT on the ground floor of the Humanities Building at the University of Bristol,7 Woodland Road Clifton BS8 ITB, and doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.30pm lecture.