Your HA Virtual Branch
Keep learning with our online programme of talks

Your branch from home
The HA Virtual Branch is a great way to keep your history up-to-date, whether you are working or relaxing, all from the comfort of your home. The Virtual Branch is free and open to everybody, and recordings of the talks are made available online after the event for HA members.
Did you know? As well as accessing session recordings, members can attend talks held by HA local branches for free, plus exclusive members' webinars and short courses, and a variety of other benefits. Find out more.
Upcoming talks
*LIVE - 28 April 2025, 7.30pm
Women and the Reformations Around the World
Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks
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The Reformations, both Protestant and Catholic, have long been told as stories of men. But women were central to the transformations that took place in Europe and beyond. What was life like for them in this turbulent period? How did their actions and ideas shape Christianity and influence societies around the world? Read more
*LIVE - 20 May 2025, 7.30pm
An Aspect of the Monastic World
Professor Andrew Jotischky
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In his recent book The Monastic World, Andrew Jotischky looks at the late Roman Empire onwards, monasteries and convents were a common sight throughout Europe. He ask who were monasteries for? What kind of people founded and maintained them? And how did monasticism change over the thousand years or so of the Middle Ages? For this talk he will focus on one particular part of the monastic world and the revelations it provides. Read more
Past lecture recordings
If you've missed any of our previous Virtual Branch talks, HA members can access recordings below. Not already a member? Join today
Local HA Branches
The HA has over 45 local branches around the country. Some of these have been able to return to their venues for their monthly talks. Others have decided to make their branch programmes online via Zoom – this provides a wonderful opportunity for you to see some of the great lectures that occur across the country as part of the HA. Check our branch calendar for full listings.
If you're a teacher don't forget that we also run our regular calendar of CPD events - view the secondary webinar calendar here and the primary calendar here.
Other events coming up
View out full Historian events calendar