HA Branches in the South West
Branch details by region

Bath Branch
Entry to lectures is free for national HA members and Bath branch local members who have paid an annual subscription. Visitors are welcome and are asked to pay £5 per lecture.
For more information please contact Mike Short, Branch Secretary, mikeshort20@btinternet.com or 01225 812945.
Lectures begin at 7.30 pm at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN.
The Bath branch website is www.historybath.org.
Bristol Branch
Bristol is a very historic and lively city which was a pioneer in the HA.
Please contact Mary Feerick Secretary maryfeerick58@gmail.com or 0117 9442898 for further details or use our website https://bristolha.wordpress.com
Annual branch membership is £15. All lectures are free to National HA members as well as University of Bristol staff & all students. Guests pay £3 on the door for a single lecture.
Our lectures are normally held in Lecture Theatre B.H05LT on the ground floor of the Humanities Building at the University of Bristol, 7 Woodland Road Clifton BS8 ITB, and doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.30pm lecture.
- What do we do? Lectures and walks
- Where? University of Bristol, usually in the Woodland Road Arts Complex but please check the programme on the website for up to date information
- When? Usually Wednesday evenings and weekends
- Who? Experts in their field
- Topics? A huge variety - national, international and local history
Follow the Bristol Branch via our website, Facebook page or on Twitter.
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Branch
There is an admission charge of £5 for non- HA members and £3 for students at Monday lectures. Associate membership of the branch is £20 per year.
Monday evening lectures take place at 7.25 pm at the West Cliff Hotel, Durley Chine Rd BH2 5JS. Free parking is available in the two car parks at the hotel BUT visitors must hand in their car registration details at reception or receive a fine. (Use M1, M2, 1, 3,16, 18,19, 20 and 36 buses getting off at St Michael’s Roundabout).
Branch secretary: Dr R. Hill. Contact: 0300 100 0223 | suzannah.stern@history.org.uk
Exeter & District Branch
All enquiries to Suzannah.Stern@history.org.uk
Exeter & District Branch Programme
Gloucestershire Branch (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
Contact details – Janet Graham at histassocglos@gmail.com or Robert Sutton on 01242 574889
Members and students free entry to all talks, visitors £4 entrance fee.
Venues for most talks are the University of Gloucestershire either in Cheltenham or Gloucester. Directions can be found on the university website – www.glos.ac.uk
Some talks will be held at alternative locations. Details are provided for each talk.
Our website contains up to date information www.haglos.co.uk
Gloucestershire Branch Programme
Plymouth Branch
Website: http://www.ha-plymouth.org.uk
Contact: Alan H. Cousins, 1 Russell Court, Russell Close, Saltash PL12 4LZ , Tel. 01503 230106 a.cousins345@btinternet.com
Meetings are open to all, and are free for national or local members of the Historical Association, and for University of Plymouth students.
Visitor tickets: £6, concessions £4.
Local annual membership rates: Individual membership: £8, Family membership: £12, Student membership: £4
Membership secretary: John Stead, 2 Jessops, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 4HW
Booking for lectures: The easiest approach is to book tickets online: plymouth.ac.uk/arts-institute, otherwise phone the Arts Institute Plymouth University T: 01752 585050 or email - theartsinstitute@plymouth.ac.uk
Time & Venue: All talks start at 7pm and are held in Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA.
Circumstances may mean that one or more of the talks in the series will need to be streamed online.
Taunton Deane Branch
Branch Contact: All enquiries to Mr Geoff Bisson gb@queenscollege.org.uk tel. 01823 353749
Venue: All talks start at 7.30pm on Wednesdays and take place in the Birchall Hall, Queen's College, Trull Road, Taunton, TA1 4QS unless otherwise stated. There is free car parking on site.
Associate Membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.
Taunton Deane Branch Programme
West Wiltshire Branch
Branch contact All enquiries to Mrs Jenny Ladd jladd242@gmail.com tel 01373 830514
Venue: All talks start at 7.30pm and take place in St. Thomas’ Church Hall, York Buildings, Trowbridge, Wilts. BA14 8PT. Free parking on the road, limited free parking next to Church.
Associate membership £15 per year. Talks free to HA members and students. Visitors £3 per visit