Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • The Historian 147: The Historic Environment

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    5 Editorial (Read article) 6 ‘The cradle of the Industrial Revolution’: landscapes of early textile Lancashire – Michael Winstanley (Read article) 12 The invisible building: what was the forgotten purpose of St. John’s in Bridgend? – Molly Cook (Read article) 16 Grave matters: what the landscape and architecture of Britain’s largest cemetery might tell us...
    The Historian 147: The Historic Environment
  • History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol – Colston statue toppled

      Primary History feature
    The killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 25 May 2020 sparked off protests against the way in which black people are treated both in America and many countries across the world. Thousands of people attended an anti-racist demonstration in Bristol. A group of the...
    History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol – Colston statue toppled
  • History 367

      The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 105, Issue 367
    Articles  Access all articles online (you first need to be logged in to the HA website and subscribed to History) Introduction: Remembering English Saints in 2020 (pp 559-566) – Louise J. Wilkinson, Paul Webster (Open Access) The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography (pp 567-587) – Richard Gameson, Fiona Gameson  Understanding and Illustrating the...
    History 367
  • Primary History 86

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    04 Editorial (Read article for free) 05 HA Primary News 06 HA Update 10 History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol: Colston statue toppled – Paul Bracey (Read article) 14 Developing chronological understanding and language in the Early Years and Foundation Stage – Damienne Clarke (Read article) 18 All the fun of the...
    Primary History 86
  • Film: The Origins of Mass Society - Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870

    Professor Peter Mandler is the current president of the Historical Association. As part of our 'presidents season' for the HA Virtual Branch he gave a fascinating talk on The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870. In this talk he explores the impact of the changes in...
    Film: The Origins of Mass Society - Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870
  • The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    Professor Peter Mandler is the current president of the Historical Association. As part of our 'presidents season' for the HA Virtual Branch he gave a fascinating talk on The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870. In this talk he explores the impact of the changes in...
    The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870
  • On Black Lives Matter

    2020 has been an interesting year in many ways – both as a year to make history and one that has sought to tackle many representations of the past. The Black Lives Matter campaign that has taken on new energy across the globe in response to the killing of a...
    On Black Lives Matter
  • Recorded webinar: Why study history?

      Webinar recording
    The importance of historical understanding might seem self-evident at a time when statues are toppled and demonstrators are protesting against current manifestations of age-old wrongs. Yet history in schools and universities is often compared unfavourably with STEM subjects, which are depicted as more rigorous, useful and valuable in the workplace....
    Recorded webinar: Why study history?
  • The Historian 146: Out now

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Read The Historian 146: Civilisations Join The Historian editorial board   As with all HA publications The Historian is edited by our members and has a small board of volunteers who discuss possible themes, commission articles, review and commission for regular features and read and respond to articles submitted by members....
    The Historian 146: Out now
  • Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    In this Virtual Branch lecture Michael Wood returns to his popular territory of Early England 500-1066 using the lives of specific stories and individuals to cast light on the period. This lecture was recorded on the 9 July 2020 as part of the HA Virtual Branch and is available to all...
    Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066
  • How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown

      Teaching History article
    In March 2020, when Covid-19’s lockdown restrictions saw schools closed to the majority of children, Carenza Lewis quickly began thinking of ways to help both teachers and parents. Drawing on extensive experience of enabling children and young people to learn from practical engagement in archaeology, she came up with a...
    How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown
  • Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!

      Primary History article
    2020 is undoubtedly going to be an important year in the nursing world and is a significant historical anniversary. The World Health Organisation has declared it the ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ in part because Florence Nightingale, the famous ‘Lady with the Lamp’, will be celebrating her 200th birthday...
    Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!
  • Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe

      23rd May 2024
    Normandy originated from a grant of land to Rollo, a Viking leader, in the early tenth century. By the end of that century Normans were to be found in southern Italy, then in Britain and, at the end of the eleventh century, in the near East on the First Crusade....
    Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe
  • Report on the Bristol Branch's A-level Russian History Conference

      16th May 2024
    The Bristol Branch of the HA’s A-level Russian History Conference27 March 2024  ‘Such a great event – both for students and teachers. Many thanks…for organising it, and for sharing excellent resources’ (Mark Kauntze, Head of History Redland Green School, Bristol) ‘Brilliant, thank you… our students really enjoyed the experience.’ (Phill...
    Report on the Bristol Branch's A-level Russian History Conference
  • Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley

      23rd April 2024
    The Dudleys thrived at the court of Henry VII, but were sacrificed to the popularity of Henry VIII. Rising to prominence in the reign of Edward VI, the Dudleys lost it all by advancing Jane Grey to the throne over Mary I. That was until the reign of Elizabeth I,...
    Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley
  • Films: Joseph Stalin – Interpretations

      Film series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
    In our new film series running over the course of 2024, some of the leading historians working on Russia have contributed their expertise to build a clear understanding of the leaders of modern Russia and how they have shaped their country and the rest of the world through it. Each of the experts...
    Films: Joseph Stalin – Interpretations
  • Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom

      HA webinar series for secondary history teachers and leaders
    In recent years, many history teachers have done lots of exciting work to develop the curriculum they teach, incorporating new content, new scholarship and new enquiries. As part of this work, it is vital to uncover how far pupils are learning all that was intended, and the ways in which...
    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom
  • Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history

      HA webinar series for primary teachers and history subject leaders
    This practical series of webinars will identify what confuses pupils in primary history and how such confusion and misconceptions can be avoided and challenged. Through examples of careful planning and activities it will show how pupils can develop an accurate and nuanced understanding of chronology and change, cause and consequence,...
    Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history
  • Tyneside Branch Programme

    Tyneside Branch Programme 2024  Tyneside branch activities are finished for this academic year but watch this space for a new programme for autumn 2024. For all enquiries about the branch please contact Claire Baker 
    Tyneside Branch Programme
  • Talking History

      A history public speaking competition for pupils in years 5 and 6
    Entries to the 2024 competition are now closed. Following the success of our Great Debate competition for secondary students, we are delighted to announce that we are piloting a new history public speaking competition for primary pupils.  Who is my local history hero?  The question of the Talking History competition...
    Talking History
  • HA short courses: Terms and conditions

    Please read the short course terms and conditions carefully before you register for a place on the short course. By booking a place, you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions. Please note that these terms and conditions are only applicable to the HA’s short course and do not...
    HA short courses: Terms and conditions
  • Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom

      HA webinar series for secondary history teachers
    At the HA, we understand the importance of creating the next generation of history students who can not only write about history, but who can also effectively communicate their thinking through oracy. Current academic research highlights the importance of oracy for learning and the close relationship between being able to...
    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom
  • Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence

      HA webinar series for current and aspiring primary history subject leaders
    This series of webinars will address the implications of the July 2023 Ofsted subject report for primary history and support you to more confidently prepare for an Ofsted deep dive in primary history. Following consideration of the subject report, the sessions will be broken up into the three main elements...
    Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence
  • Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history

      HA CPD for primary teachers
    Primary teachers are expected to be experts in everything. If you feel that your history subject knowledge could do with a brush up, then this series is for you. The Historical Association has teamed up with some leading historians and experienced teachers to bring you up to speed on the...
    Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history
  • Modern Polish History, British-Polish relations & the British Polish community

      Modern history podcasts
    The Kingdom of Poland started its existence in the medieval period as one of the most important countries of eastern Europe. Positioned on key trading routes, it became a powerful nation that had periods of remarkable stability, playing a major role in both the Renaissance and the Reformation. Despite this,...
    Modern Polish History, British-Polish relations & the British Polish community