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  • Robert Peel: Portraiture and political commemoration

    On 4 March 1856, during a debate in the House of Lords on a motion to form a ‘Gallery of National Portraits', the Conservative peer Earl Stanhope quoted Thomas Carlyle's view that ‘one of the most primary wants [of the historian is] to secure a bodily likeness of the personage...
    Robert Peel: Portraiture and political commemoration
  • Private Lives of the Tudors

      Historian article
    Tracy Borman explores the distinction between the public and private lives of the Tudor monarchs. The Tudors were renowned for their public magnificence. Perhaps more than any royal dynasty in British history, they appreciated the importance of impressing their subjects with the splendour of their dress, courts and pageantry in order to reinforce their authority. Wherever...
    Private Lives of the Tudors
  • Out and About on Uzbekistan’s Silk Road

      Historian feature
    “For lust of knowing what should not be known— We make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.” So wrote poet James Elroy Flecker in 1913, who had perhaps an unduly romantic view of what motivated many of Uzbekistan’s earlier visitors. A more realistic explanation was proffered in the thirteenth century by the Persian...
    Out and About on Uzbekistan’s Silk Road
  • The rise and fall of Nauru

      Historian article
    Aadam Patel offers an insight into the complexities of the recent economic history of a remote Pacific island. Nauru is an isolated island located in the Pacific Ocean approximately 4,400km north-east from Australia and 1,300km north-east from the Solomon Islands. With an area of just below 21 squared kilometres, it is...
    The rise and fall of Nauru
  • Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady

      Historian article
    Joanna Hickson is a hugely successful novelist, specialising in historical fiction, and she describes herself as feeling that she actually lives in the fifteenth century. For readers of The Historian she explores and explains how she developed her understanding and knowledge of a highly significant Tudor woman who is a central figure in two of...
    Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady
  • The Sykes-Picot agreement and lines in the sand

      Historian article
    Paula Kitching reveals how a secret diplomatic negotiation 100 years ago provides an insight into the political complexities of the modern-day Middle East. The Middle East is an area frequently in the news. Over the last ten years the national and religious tensions appear to have exploded with whole regions...
    The Sykes-Picot agreement and lines in the sand
  • Out and about in Glasgow

      Historian feature
    Glasgow's George Square statues -‘Through the looking glass' History is often illumined by writers of genius but Glasgow did not produce a Zola, a Balzac, a Dickens or even an Arnold Bennet. We are, therefore, thrown back on looking at other manifestations of a powerful and wealthy city to augment...
    Out and about in Glasgow
  • The Somme: a last innings for Yorkshire and England

      Historian article
    Ronan Thomas explores a tragic sporting outcome of the Battle of the Somme. At the centenary of the Battle of the Somme, the losses suffered by the British Army still have the power to shock. On 1 July 1916 alone nearly 60,000 men became casualties, of whom almost 20,000 were...
    The Somme: a last innings for Yorkshire and England
  • Florence Nightingale and epidemics

      Historian article
    Richard Bates reveals how the expertise of Florence Nightingale is just as relevant now as it was in her own life-time. Late in 2020, the Merriam-Webster dictionary chose ‘pandemic’ as its word of the year, writing that, ‘it’s probably the word by which we’ll refer to this period [i.e. Covid-19...
    Florence Nightingale and epidemics
  • Architecture within the reach of all

      Historian article
    Roisin Inglesby introduces us to the life and work of a lesser known member of the Arts and Crafts movement, Arthur Heygate  Mackmurdo, who helped to change the face of European architecture and interior design. Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo (1851–1942) may not be a household name, but he is arguably one of the most significant figures in British design...
    Architecture within the reach of all
  • Battle of the Somme: the making of the 1916 propaganda film

      Historian article
    The versions of history on our cinema screens have an important influence upon public perceptions of the past. In his article Taylor Downing explores how the wartime British government used the cinema for propaganda purposes and how the film Battle of the  Somme contributes to portrayals of that battle to this...
    Battle of the Somme: the making of the 1916 propaganda film
  • The Fall of Singapore 1942

      Historian article
    Churchill called it "the worst disaster and the largest capitulation in British history" and the Fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 has certainly gathered its own mythology in the past 70 years. Was it all the fault of General Percival; were the guns pointing the wrong way; did the...
    The Fall of Singapore 1942
  • Newcastle and the General Strike 1926

      Historian article
    The nine-day General Strike of May 1926 retains a totemic place in the nation's history nearly 100 years later. The Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill was among those who attempted to characterise it as anarchy and revolution, but this was hyperbole and largely inaccurate for, as Ellen Wilkinson (then...
    Newcastle and the General Strike 1926
  • Taking tea with Frau von Papen

      Historian article
    The Weimar Republic in its last days as seen and remembered by a five-year-old English boy. A long-standing member of the Historical Association remembers an experience from eighty years ago. As Mrs Merkel is well aware, the fear of inflation is deeply embedded in the German folk memory. Eighty years...
    Taking tea with Frau von Papen
  • Anything but enlightened: child slavery in the Roman world

      Historian article
    Through evidence and models, Ulrike Roth explores the role of child slavery in ancient Rome. Ancient Rome has been a source of inspiration throughout the ages. Some of the most remarkable thinkers in human history have drawn on one or other of Roman society’s great achievements. The profound reflection on,...
    Anything but enlightened: child slavery in the Roman world
  • Sacred waters: Bath in the Roman Empire

      Historian article
    Eleri Cousins explores the dynamics of Romano-British religion at the sanctuary at Bath. What do you think of when you think of Roman Bath?  Most of us probably think of, well, the Baths – in particular the iconic image of the Great Bath, with its Roman swimming basin and its...
    Sacred waters: Bath in the Roman Empire
  • Migration into the UK in the early twenty-first century

      Historian article
    Sam Scott and Lucy Clarke explore the data covering more recent migration to the United Kingdom, most especially from the EU. They discover that since 2000 migrant destinations have changed. No longer do migrants head exclusively to the big cities and industrial areas, but to rural areas, like Boston in...
    Migration into the UK in the early twenty-first century
  • D-Day, Commemorations - the last big year to remember?

      Historian article
    This year it was the 70th anniversary of D-Day. The world's politicians and media went into overdrive about it. The BBC dedicated a whole day to the coverage, mainly live from Normandy while small events took place around the UK. For a whole day the upcoming centenary of the First...
    D-Day, Commemorations - the last big year to remember?
  • Real Lives: Flora Sandes

      Historian feature
    Our series ‘Real Lives’ seeks to put the story of the ordinary person into our great historical narrative. We are all part of the rich fabric of the communities in which we live and we are affected to greater and lesser degrees by the big events that happen on a daily...
    Real Lives: Flora Sandes
  • Out and About in Upper Weardale

      Historian feature
    Tony Fox introduces us to two battlefields and the work of the Battlefields Trust. Stanhope takes its name from the ‘stony valley’ in which it sits. It is the most significant town in beautiful Upper Weardale. Like many towns in this area Stanhope’s growth accelerated in the nineteenth century as...
    Out and About in Upper Weardale
  • Real Lives: Alice Daye: mother of the English book trade

      Historian feature
    Our series ‘Real Lives’ seeks to put the story of the ordinary person into our great historical narrative. We are all part of the rich fabric of the communities in which we live and we are affected to greater and lesser degrees by the big events that happen on a daily...
    Real Lives: Alice Daye: mother of the English book trade
  • Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

      Historian article
    Daniel Goldhagen defines anti-semitism as ‘negative beliefs and emotions about Jews qua Jews.' Nazis believed Jews to be the source of Germany's misfortunes, and that they must be denied German citizenship and removed from German society. Hitler never compromised on the need to settle what he regarded as the Jewish...
    Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
  • Out and about in Martinsthorpe: a walk in the country

      Historian feature
    History is nothing if not an exercise in informed imagination. On a country walk in Rutland arranged by a group of (non-historian) friends, I noted that the Ordnance Survey map showed our planned route, following a ridge of high ground separating the valleys of the meandering Gwash and Chater rivers,...
    Out and about in Martinsthorpe: a walk in the country
  • Out & About in Swansea Castle

      Historian feature
    The ruins of Swansea Castle stand at the edge of Swansea's shopping centre and are generally ignored by shoppers and passers-by who just ... well ... pass by. But this was to change to some extent in 2012, and the HA's Swansea Branch adopted a very close relationship with the...
    Out & About in Swansea Castle
  • Real Lives: Miss F.M.G. Lorimer (1883–1967)

      Historian feature
    Our series ‘Real Lives’ seeks to put the story of the ordinary person into our great historical narrative. We are all part of the rich fabric of the communities in which we live and we are affected to greater and lesser degrees by the big events that happen on a daily...
    Real Lives: Miss F.M.G. Lorimer (1883–1967)