Found 44 results matching 'french revolution' within Primary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Change and continuity   (Clear filter)

  • Teaching history and geography together in a meaningful way

      WHEN 2 + 2 = 5!
    This article explores some of the  ways history and geography can be taught side by side, so that the sum of the parts adds up to more than the original. How can we teach history with geography and vice  versa, to the benefit of both, while fulfilling the aims of...
    Teaching history and geography together in a meaningful way
  • Early Islamic civilisation

      Primary History article
    The Primary National Curriculum pinpoints Early Islamic Civilisation as Baghdad c. AD 900 - yet it was so much more. For approximately a thousand years after AD 700 there was an extraordinary amount of activity that radiated out from Baghdad and along a glittering crescent through North Africa and into...
    Early Islamic civilisation
  • Developing disciplinary knowledge: how and why castles and forts developed

      Primary History article
    Disciplinary knowledge is often identified as a key area of development by subject leaders. In this article, Susie Townsend explores the concepts of change, continuity and causation through the lens of forts and castles. Emphasizing the importance of enquiry, she provides a range of historical activities that could be used in...
    Developing disciplinary knowledge: how and why castles and forts developed
  • Little coins, big histories

      Primary History article
    In this article, Damienne Clarke examines how coins can be used as a focus for history teaching and learning in Key Stage One. She describes the emergence of coins from older systems of bartering, as well as their role as tokens of commemoration for significant people and events. This article provides...
    Little coins, big histories
  • Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots

      Primary History Article
    Anglo-Saxons have been a part of the primary national curriculum from the onset so they may not be as unfamiliar to teachers as some themes. Many teachers also report that pupils enjoy studying them so there is clearly much in their favour. That does not mean, however, that all is...
    Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
  • Stone Age to Iron Age - overview and depth

      Primary History article
    Stone Age to Iron Age covers around 10,000 years, between the last Ice Age and the coming of the Romans. Such a long period is difficult for children to imagine, but putting the children into a living time-line across the classroom might help. In one sense not a lot happens...
    Stone Age to Iron Age - overview and depth
  • Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children

      Primary History article
    This article looks at the relevance of picture books in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a resource for introducing children to the idea of the past. Firstly examining its relevance to the Framework, Karin identifies some appropriate resources and how they can be used.  In particular, she links them...
    Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children
  • Migration to Britain through time

      Primary History article
    Migration is rarely absent from the news and arouses political, social cultural and emotional responses which range from compassion to hostility, racism and anti-racism. By exploring migration in the past, it is possible for children to go beyond current issues and appreciate that, rather than being a recent characteristic of...
    Migration to Britain through time
  • Turning technology: making life better in Iron Age Britain

      Primary History article
    So who were the people living in Britain in the Iron Age? The Iron Age describes the period in Britain when the use of iron became widespread. It ranged from 800 BC to AD 43 and the invasion by the Roman Empire. The people of Iron Age Britain were part of...
    Turning technology: making life better in Iron Age Britain
  • Getting to grips with concepts in primary history

      Primary History article
    Perhaps one of the most perplexing aspects of teaching history is the fostering of conceptual understanding. History subject leaders often find this a challenging issue. Even if they have a decent grasp themselves, it can be difficult for others in the school who have to teach the subject. Over recent...
    Getting to grips with concepts in primary history
  • Our Iron Age challenge

      Developing historical understanding through building an iron age house
    The University of Chichester’s three-year BA (Hons) Degree for Primary Education and Teaching involves learning how to provide rigorous and creative educational opportunities for children. The course involves one creativity module each year. The final one involves the development of skills and confidence in creating problem-solving. Four of us were...
    Our Iron Age challenge
  • Poverty in Britain: A development study for Key Stage 2

      Primary History article
    One of the requirements for Key Stage 2 history is for some history that extends beyond 1066. Various suggestions have been made including an examination of change within a social theme. The example given is Crime and Punishment but the opportunities for something interesting are vast. This article focuses on...
    Poverty in Britain: A development study for Key Stage 2
  • Assessment and Progression without levels

      Primary History article
    The new (2014) Primary History National Curriculum is finally upon us. The first thing you might notice is that the level descriptions have gone. These were first introduced in 1995 and became the mainstay for assessing pupil progression and attainment in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 across schools in...
    Assessment and Progression without levels
  • Victorians

      Primary History article
    The Victorians is a much-loved unit of work in many schools and some teachers were disappointed to see it had been removed but there are still ways to continue to teach it under the 2014 National Curriculum. In many localities there will be a huge variety of Victorian buildings - including...
  • Why stories?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article was written before the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and references may no longer be relevant. During the Early Years and Foundation Stage children should listen to stories, ask how and why and talk about the past (DfE 2012). Young children are comfortable with stories. Through...
    Why stories?
  • Churches as a local historical source

      Primary History Article
    At Key Stage 1 children should learn about significant events, (e.g. the Great Fire of London) and about people and places in their locality. At Key Stage 2 they should learn about British settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots (e.g. Anglo-Saxon art and culture) and do a local history study (e.g....
    Churches as a local historical source
  • Learning to engage with documents through role play

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...
    Learning to engage with documents through role play
  • Hearts, Hamsters and Historic Education

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. This is a reflection on a project, set up with a variety of different thoughts about education in its widest sense. Or, to put it another way, a primary school teacher's record of a unique...
    Hearts, Hamsters and Historic Education
  • Learning what a place does and what we do for it

      Primary History article
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. Why teach children about architecture and the built environment? Because they shape the future and because they already change our architecture and define the public realm everyday through their actions. Learning about architecture and the built...
    Learning what a place does and what we do for it