Hearts, Hamsters and Historic Education
Primary History article

Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
This is a reflection on a project, set up with a variety of different thoughts about education in its widest sense. Or, to put it another way, a primary school teacher's record of a unique opportunity to turn education as we know it upside down and look at it from a totally different perspective. If you've ever hung upside down from a railing and squinted at the altered landscape you'll know that the landscapes we live and work in everyday can never become boring.
Hamsters are good for altering your perspective. Last week my new hamster, Edgar, managed to escape his luxury apartment and take an excursion beyond the four walls of my bedroom. Armed with torches and tempting treats we began exploring the places only a hamster would and could go. It was bizarre trying to imagine what Edgar would have thought was a good place to hide: after all, I bet you never considered the dirty washing basket a potential home! Turns out, Edgar was rather fond of the boiler cupboard, I can't blame him, it is the warmest place in the house. Try it, think Hamster and see how your perspective changes.
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