Teaching History 159: Underneath the essay
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Pipes's punctuation and making complex historical claims: how the direct teaching of punctuation can improve students' historical thinking and written argument - Rachel Foster (Read article)
14 Triumphs Show: teaching paragraph construction - Kirstie Murray (Read article)
16 New, Novice or Nervous? 3 decades of...
Teaching History 159: Underneath the essay
Teaching History 172: Cause and consequence
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
Teaching History is the UK’s leading professional journal for history teachers at secondary level.It is free to HA Secondary Members.
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02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’: using a patchwork quilt analogy...
Teaching History 172: Cause and consequence
How do you construct an historical claim?
Teaching History article
While preparing her Year 12 students for an International Baccalaureate paper on early Islam, Kirstie Murray became concerned that students' weaknesses in making claims would be particularly exposed by the challenging complexity of this topic's source record and its contested historiography.
Drawing on the practice of other history teachers, especially...
How do you construct an historical claim?
Teaching History 145: Narrative
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Lynda Abbott and Richard S Grayson - Community engagement in local history: a report on the Hemel at War project (Read article)
14 Paul Barrett - ‘My grandfather slammed the door in Winston Churchill's face!' using family history to provoke rigorous enquiry (Read...
Teaching History 145: Narrative
Teaching History 178: Out now
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
Read Teaching History 178
Constructing Accounts
Teachers of history have long recognised the tensions inherent in our role. We must deal with the existence of notions of a core narrative (or narratives) of areas of the past, communicating what those notions are while enabling our students to engage critically with...
Teaching History 178: Out now
Exploring the challenges involved in reading and writing historical narrative
Teaching History article
‘English king Frederick I won at Arsuf, then took Acre, then they all went home': exploring the challenges involved in reading and writing historical narrative
Paula Worth draws on three professional traditions in history education in order to build a lesson sequence on the Crusades for her Year 7s. First,...
Exploring the challenges involved in reading and writing historical narrative
Teaching History 163: Get Excited & Carry On
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Grammar. Nazis. Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’? - James Edward Carroll (Read article)
17 Shaping the debate: why historians matter more than ever at GCSE - Rachel Foster and Kath Goudie (Read article)
25 Cunning plan 1:...
Teaching History 163: Get Excited & Carry On
'Victims of history': Challenging students’ perceptions of women in history
Teaching History article
As postgraduate historians with teaching responsibilities at the University of York, Bridget Lockyer and Abigail Tazzyman were concerned to tackle some of the challenges reported by their students who had generally only encountered women’s history in a disconnected way through stand-alone topics or modules. Their response was to create a...
'Victims of history': Challenging students’ perceptions of women in history
Using Virtual Reality to promote historical contextualisation in classrooms
Teaching History article
In this article, Mannak, Huijgen and Tuithof share their experience of using Virtual Reality to promote historical contextualisation of the Berlin Blitz with their 13–15 year old students. They outline some strategies for using VR well in the classroom, and ways to avoid potential pitfalls. They then introduce a pedagogical...
Using Virtual Reality to promote historical contextualisation in classrooms
New, Novice or Nervous? 168: Local history
Teaching History feature
This page is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Each problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too...
The opportunities afforded by local history are far from parochial. The study of a neighbouring town, a local battalion, a village street or even a...
New, Novice or Nervous? 168: Local history
Teaching History 194: Climate and Environment
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
This edition of HA's Teaching History journal is free to download via the link at the bottom of the page (individual article links within the page are not free access unless otherwise stated).
For a subscription to Teaching History (published quarterly), plus access to our library of high-quality secondary history materials...
Teaching History 194: Climate and Environment
Teaching History 165: Conceptualising breadth
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 ‘Victims of History’: challenging students’ perceptions of women in history - Bridget Lockyer and Abigail Tazzyman (Read article)
16 ‘It’s like Lord of the Rings, Sir. But real!’: Teaching, learning and sharing medieval history for all Chris Eldridge (Read article)...
Teaching History 165: Conceptualising breadth
Thinking makes it so: cognitive psychology and history teaching
Teaching History article
What, exactly, is learned knowledge - and why does it matter in history teaching?
Michael Fordham seeks to use the general tenets of cognitive psychology to inform the debate about how history teachers might get the best from their students, in particular in considering the role of memory. Fordham surveys the latest research concerning memory while also arguing that remembering does matter in history...
Thinking makes it so: cognitive psychology and history teaching
Teaching History 138: Enriching History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Alf Wilkinson: Making cross-curricular links in history: some ways forward (Read article)
08 James Woodcock: Disciplining cross-curricularity? Cottenham Village College history department's inter-disciplinary projects: an evaluation (Read article)
13 Michael Monaghan: Having ‘Great Expectations' of Year 9 Inter-disciplinary work between English and history...
Teaching History 138: Enriching History
Teaching History 191: Material Worlds
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
03 Editorial (Read article)
04 HA Secondary News
06 HA Update
06 Illumination or illustration? Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8 – Eleanor Dimond (Read article)
18 Fifties Britain through the senses: ‘never had it so good’? Evaluating social change and continuity in post-war Britain...
Teaching History 191: Material Worlds
Polychronicon 156: The transnational history of the First World War
Teaching History feature
With the publication in 2014 of the Cambridge History of the First World War, we enter a new transnational phase in the historical understanding of the conflict. The reasons why this change has come about are evident.
The first is that there are more transnational historians writing the history of...
Polychronicon 156: The transnational history of the First World War
Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools
Teaching History article
In 2009 the Historical Association conducted the first of what has become an annual survey of history teachers in England. Its aim was to get beyond bare statistics relating to subject uptake and examination success to examine the reality of history teaching across all kinds of schools and to map...
Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools
Teaching History 152: Pulling it all together
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Catherine McCrory - How many people does it take to make an Essex man? Year 9 face up to historical difference (Read article)
20 Cunning Plan: placing visual sources at the heart of historical learning - Shaun Collins (Read article)...
Teaching History 152: Pulling it all together
Teaching History 185: Missing stories
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial (Read article for free)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
10 Teaching Britain’s ‘civil rights’ history: activism and citizenship in context – Hannah Elias and Martin Spafford (Read article)
22 Illuminating the possibilities of the past: the role of representation in A-level curriculum planning – Claire Holliss (Read article)...
Teaching History 185: Missing stories
Teaching history's big pictures: including continuity as well as change
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
School history teachers are not the only ones wrestling with the challenges of building ‘big pictures' that do justice to complexity. In this article, social and cultural historian Penelope Corfield puts our interest in long-term...
Teaching history's big pictures: including continuity as well as change
Teaching History 184: Different lenses
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial (Read article for free)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Beyond myth and magic: Year 7 use oral traditions to make claims about the rise and fall of the Inka empire – Paula Worth (Read article)
22 They sometimes clashed, and ultimately blended: planning a more...
Teaching History 184: Different lenses
Teaching History 143: Constructing Claims
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Gary Howells - Why was Pitt not a mince pie? Enjoying argument without end: creating confident historical readers at A Level (Read article)
15 Jane Card - Seeing the point: using visual sources to understand the arguments for women's suffrage (Read article)
Teaching History 143: Constructing Claims
How introducing cultural and intellectual history improves critical analysis in the classroom
Teaching History article
In his article in this journal just over a year ago, Steven Driver set out his vision for a less myopic range of topics in A-level coursework. In this edition, Driver demonstrates how he has built student enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, a topic which he had previously identified as...
How introducing cultural and intellectual history improves critical analysis in the classroom
Teaching History 171: Knowledge
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
This edition of HA's Teaching History journal is free to download via the link at the bottom of the page (individual article links within the page are not free access unless otherwise stated).
For a subscription to Teaching History (published quarterly), plus access to our library of high-quality secondary history materials...
Teaching History 171: Knowledge
Teaching History regular features
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for secondary history teachers. On these pages you can access all recent and many older editions of each of these features:
What's the Wisdom On provides a short guide to an aspect of history teaching.
What have historians been arguing about... (formerly Polychronicon) aims to help...
Teaching History regular features