Teaching History 163: Get Excited & Carry On
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Grammar. Nazis. Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’? - James Edward Carroll (Read article)
17 Shaping the debate: why historians matter more than ever at GCSE - Rachel Foster and Kath Goudie (Read article)
25 Cunning plan 1: GCSE thematic study - Sally Thorne (Read article)
28 'Look homeward angel now, and melt with Ruth': the role of a subject-specific teaching assistant in promoting rigorous historical scholarship and reflective classroom practice - Geraint Brown, Ruth Brown, Corinne Goullée and Matt Stanford (Read article)
35 History as a foreign language: can we teach Year 11 pupils to write with flair? - Claire Simmonds (Read article)
43 Cunning plan 2: developing an A-level course in medieval history - Michael Fordham (Read article)
46 Polychronicon: the Britain and Europe debate - Brendan Simms (Read article)
49 Why do you keep asking the same questions? Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools - Katharine Burn and Richard Harris (Read article)
57 New, Novice or Nervous? Analysis of historical significance (Read article)
60 Move Me On: students thinking for themselves leading to ahistorical thinking (Read article)
64 Mummy, mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including New, Novice or Nervous?, Polychronicon, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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