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  • Communities of inquiry: creating the conditions for meaningful collaboration

      Teaching History article
    When Will Bailey-Watson (a history ITE tutor) and Charlie Crouch (a history PhD student) worked together to improve a history undergraduate course at their university, they realised that the benefits of collaboration between teachers and historians can flow both ways. In this article they offer an account of how they sought...
    Communities of inquiry: creating the conditions for meaningful collaboration
  • Developing pupil explanation through web debates

      Teaching History article
    Kathryn Greenfield became dissatisfied with her pupils' written responses, particularly the rather limited explanations that they were giving in support of points that they made. Drawing here on recent work in using Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) to develop pupil historical argument and reasoning, Greenfield explains how she used web debates...
    Developing pupil explanation through web debates
  • Challenging not balancing: developing Year 7's grasp of historical argument through online discussion and a virtual book

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. This article is about using story to construct a learning journey for a Year 7 class. It reports an innovative use of a virtual learning environment to construct a narrative e-book into which argument tasks...
    Challenging not balancing: developing Year 7's grasp of historical argument through online discussion and a virtual book
  • Teaching History 64

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    Articles: 8 The Professional Craft Knowledge of the History Teacher - Peter John  12 Talking about History: Group Work in the Classroom - Practice and Implications - Kenneth Brzezicki  17 Issues in the Teaching of History - Towards a Skills/Concept-led Approach - Jane Jenkins  22 Bebba and her Sisters - Gully Robson  26 Time...
    Teaching History 64
  • Teaching History 118: Re-thinking Differentiation

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    05 Does differentiation have to mean different? – Richard Harris (Read article) 13 Engaging with each other: how interactions between teachers inform professional practice – Simon Letman (Read article) 17 Seeing, hearing and doing the Rennaissance (Part 2) – Maria Osowiecki (Read article) 26 Polychronicon: Henry VII: Diligent bureaucrat or paranoid blunderer? (Read...
    Teaching History 118: Re-thinking Differentiation
  • Cunning Plan 196: Does women’s suffrage deserve a more prominent place in Australia’s national narrative?

      Teaching History feature
    In this Cunning Plan, Jonathon Dallimore and Martin Douglas explore how teaching about the history of the suffrage movement in Australia can be used to raise questions both about the campaign for votes for women in Australia and wider questions about what defines Australian history. They also open up the...
    Cunning Plan 196: Does women’s suffrage deserve a more prominent place in Australia’s national narrative?
  • ‘Miss, what’s the point of sources?’ Helping Year 11 to understand the discipline

      Teaching History article
    Clare Bartington noticed that her students’ focus on the specific kinds of question used in examinations appeared to have undermined their understanding of how historians actually use sources. Instead of approaching the traces or ‘leftovers’ of the past as potential sources of evidence in relation to a particular question, her students believed...
    ‘Miss, what’s the point of sources?’ Helping Year 11 to understand the discipline
  • Bringing school into the classroom

      Teaching History article
    The Secondary Education and Social Change (SESC) research project team at the University of Cambridge collaborated with four secondary school history teachers to produce resource packs for teaching Key Stage 3 pupils about post-war British social history through the history of secondary education. In this article, Chris Jeppesen explains the...
    Bringing school into the classroom
  • Teaching History 63

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    Articles: 8 Using Evidence in the GCSE History Classroom - Heather Fry  18 Preparing to Teach about Causation - Ian Davies and Margaret Marshall  23 History Through Drama: A Curriculum Development Project - Graeme Easdown  28 The Appliance of Science: History and the Use of Artefacts in the Primary Curriculum - Peter Vass  33...
    Teaching History 63
  • Using The Wipers Times to build an enquiry on the First World War

      Teaching History article
    Teaching ‘the lesson of satire': using The Wipers Times to build an enquiry on the First World War ‘Blackadder for real' is how the British journalist and broadcaster, Ian Hislop, characterised The Wipers Time, the newspaper published on the front line by members of the 12th Battalion Sherwood, and recently brought...
    Using The Wipers Times to build an enquiry on the First World War
  • Teaching History 61

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    Articles: 8 Who is the National Curriculum in History for? - Sylvia Collicott  13 A Race between Education and Catastrophe: The Final Report of the History Working Group - Sue Styles  17 Why does it Matter? A Personal Response to the Final Report - Ian Dawson  22 From the Ivory Tower: A University...
    Teaching History 61
  • Teaching History 100: Thinking and Feeling

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Exploring Values Through History, Rethinking roleplay, Gladstone spritual of Gladstone material? A rationale for using documents at AS and A2, Telling and suggesting in the Conwy Valley, NQT's, Confronting otherness: developing scrutiny and inference skills through drawing and much more... ‘I’ve been in the Reichstag’: rethinking roleplay - Ian Luff...
    Teaching History 100: Thinking and Feeling
  • What’s the wisdom on… Evidence and sources

      Teaching History feature
    The year 1910 saw the publication of a remarkable book on history teaching by M.W.Keatinge. The purpose of this guide. What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching....
    What’s the wisdom on… Evidence and sources
  • Polychronicon 131: At your leisure

      Teaching History feature
    Leisure time - like time itself - is fluid, and keeps changing its social meanings. From a ‘serious' high political perspective there is no history of leisure and leisure is trivial. Such perspectives have long lost their grip on the historical imagination, of course, and we have had histories of...
    Polychronicon 131: At your leisure
  • Teaching History 62

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    Articles: 8 Always Historicise: Unintended Opportunities in National Curriculum History - Keith Jenkins and Peter Brickley  15 'From Little Acorns Grow...': A Liaison with Nursery, Infant and Junior Schools in the Framwellgate Moor Area of Durham City - D. R. Featonby  19 Standing the World on its Head: A Review of Eurocentrism...
    Teaching History 62
  • Rethinking progression in historical interpretations through the British Empire

      Teaching History article
    Let’s stop saying sorry for the Empire! Thus Mastin and Wallace introduce one of their lessons on interpretations of the British Empire. They develop Gary Howells’s ideas from the previous edition of Teaching History to demonstrate exactly what we might get our students to do with interpretations of the past....
    Rethinking progression in historical interpretations through the British Empire
  • Teaching History 60

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    Articles: 9 The Nature of History and the National Curriculum - Michael Honeybone  11 Information Processing in Primary History Topic Work - Philip Powell  14 Blickling 1698 - Alan Childs and Mike Pond  17 The Women in Modern Britain Project - Sebastian Bees  21 The Time Machine: A Cross Curricular Approach to Teaching History...
    Teaching History 60
  • Move Me On 124: Teaching local history

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's problem: Lucy Hutchinson is finding it difficult to teach local history well. Now her new mentor has asked her to plan a local history dimension into the 1750-1900 scheme of work.
    Move Me On 124: Teaching local history
  • Suffrage, feudal, democracy, treaty... history's building blocks: learning to teach historical concepts

      Teaching History article
    In the UK, thoughtful history teachers have long lamented the fact that the majority of pupils emerge from their compulsory history schooling at 14 with a limited or inadequate understanding of those key historical concepts that are necessary to make sense of the world in adult life. Whilst more able...
    Suffrage, feudal, democracy, treaty... history's building blocks: learning to teach historical concepts
  • Cunning Plan 174: creating a narrative of the interwar years

      Teaching History feature
    The major aim of this sequence of lessons was to teach Year 8 how to create and refine a narrative. I chose a period I was substantively confident on, which lent itself well to the narrative form, had a number of prominent academic narratives published about it and followed neatly...
    Cunning Plan 174: creating a narrative of the interwar years
  • Teaching History 99: Curriculum Planning

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Choosing and planning your enquiry questions in Key Stage 3, The return of King John, Using depth to strengthen overview in the teaching of political change, Using a concluding enquiry to reinforce and assess earlier learning, Using ICT, Making source evaluation meaningful to Year 7 and much more... Into the Key...
    Teaching History 99: Curriculum Planning
  • History and Mathematics or History with Mathematics: does it add up?

      Teaching History article
    Ian Phillips expresses some frustration with the way the Numeracy across the Curriculum strand of England’s Key Stage 3 Strategy is sometimes presented. He argues that the acid test of cross-curricular numeracy is the value of mathematical understanding in aiding historical thinking and imagination. He criticises attempts to plant numeracy...
    History and Mathematics or History with Mathematics: does it add up?
  • ‘I need to know…’: creating the conditions that make students want knowledge

      Teaching History journal article
    Chloe Bateman recognised the value to her Key Stage 3 pupils of developing rich subject knowledge, but wanted to find a way of encouraging them to value that knowledge for themselves. In this article she explains how she provided that inspiration by setting her Year 7 class the challenge of...
    ‘I need to know…’: creating the conditions that make students want knowledge
  • Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils

      Teaching History article
    Confined to his home during lockdown in 2020, teacher Josh Mellor became eager to explore the history of the physical environment on his doorstep. After reading about different approaches to using environmental history in the classroom, Mellor decided to design an enquiry to explore the changing landscape of the Fens in...
    Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils
  • Teaching History 115: Assesment Without Levels?

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    05 Assessment without Level Descriptions - Sally Burnham and Geraint Brown (Read article) 16 Dr Black Box or How I learned to stop worrying and love assessment - Mark Cottingham (Read article) 26 Rigorous, meaningful and robust: practical ways forward for assessment - Simon Harrison (Read article) 31 Opportunities, challenges...
    Teaching History 115: Assesment Without Levels?