Teaching History 100: Thinking and Feeling
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Thinking and Feeling
Exploring Values Through History, Rethinking roleplay, Gladstone spritual of Gladstone material? A rationale for using documents at AS and A2, Telling and suggesting in the Conwy Valley, NQT's, Confronting otherness: developing scrutiny and inference skills through drawing and much more...
‘I’ve been in the Reichstag’: rethinking roleplay - Ian Luff (Read article)
Hearts, minds and souls: Exploring values through history - Steve Illingworth (Read article)
Gladstone spiritual or Gladstone material? a rationale for using documents at AS and A2. - Gary Howells (Read article)
Telling and suggesting in the Conwy Valley - Thelma Wiltshire (Read article)
Do smile before Christmas: the NQT year - Lucy Russell (Read article)
Confronting otherness: developing scrutiny and inference skills through drawing - David Sheppard (Read article)
Cunning Plan: Teaching the First World War in Year 9 - Dale Banham (Read article)
Move Me On: Deciding on lesson objectives (Read article)
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