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  • Brazil and the two World Wars

    Brazil and the outbreak of the First World War At the beginning of the twentieth century Brazil was on the periphery of a world order that revolved around decisions made by the great European powers. Although it was the largest and most populated nation in South America, Brazil possessed an...
    Brazil and the two World Wars
  • Teaching History 80

    2 Editorial 3 News 5 Re-Thinking Collingwood: a reply to Keith Jenkins's Re-thinking History Mamie T.E. Hughes 9 Secondary History Teaching and the OFSTED Inspections: an analysis and discussion of history comments Paul Bowen 14 The Re-appearance of a Cheshire Cat - teaching the history of Britain at key stage...
    Teaching History 80
  • ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Alison Kitson and Alan McCully discuss the findings of their research into history teaching in the most divided part of the United Kingdom: Northern Ireland. Drawing on interviews with students and teachers, they consider what history teaching might contribute to an understanding of the current situation and...
    ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the classroom
  • Means and Ends: History, Drama and Education for Life

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. John Fines, Raymond Verrier and I frequently taught as a team trying to discover where drama work and history meet. We were interested in helping children get a grasp of past events which have influenced their...
    Means and Ends: History, Drama and Education for Life
  • A need to know: Islamic history and the school curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Nicolas Kinloch questions some of the principal justifications often advanced for teaching Islamic history in schools. In particular, he wants to move us beyond our concern with current events in the Middle East. He suggests that there are dangers in looking at Islamic history if it is...
    A need to know: Islamic history and the school curriculum
  • Mussolini's marriage and a game in the playground: using analogy to help pupils understand the past

      Teaching History article
    Diana Laffin and Maggie Wilson want their pupils to connect with people in the past and to experience some of their emotions. The emotional factor is a difficult one in history, both for pupils and professional historians. When studying Eden’s actions at Suez, for example, what we lack is a...
    Mussolini's marriage and a game in the playground: using analogy to help pupils understand the past
  • The Historian 96: What did you do in the Hundred Years War, Daddy?

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Featured articles: What did you do in the Hundred Years War, Daddy? The soldier in later medieval England - Adrian R Bell, Adam Chapman, Anne Curry, Andy King and David Simpkin (Read Article) Upwards till Lepanto: The Ottoman Turks in early modern Europe - Sarah Newman The Death of Lord Londonderry - Robert...
    The Historian 96: What did you do in the Hundred Years War, Daddy?
  • Breaking the 20 year rule: very modern history at GCSE

      Teaching History article
    History is the study of the past; some of the past is more recent than a glance over many schemes of work might lead us to think. Chris Culpin makes the case for ignoring the 20 year rule and tackling head on – and, crucially, historically – the big issues...
    Breaking the 20 year rule: very modern history at GCSE
  • Teaching History 79

    2 Editorial 3 News 5 The Revised History Order Sue Bennett and Ian Steele 9 From Plowden to Dearing Patrick Wood 11 Developing an Understanding of Time Sydney Wood 15 The Development Of Temporal Concepts in Children and its Significance for History Teaching in the Senior Primary School Cheryl-Ann Simchowitz...
    Teaching History 79
  • Why can't they just live together happily, Miss?' Unravelling the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict at GCSE

      Teaching History article
    How often do our students long for black and white rather than the shades of grey that history generally presents us with? Understanding the Arab-Israeli conflict is all about understanding diversity and complexity in all their shades of grey. Alison Stephen, teaching in an immensely diverse school herself, is determined...
    Why can't they just live together happily, Miss?' Unravelling the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict at GCSE
  • The Willing Suspension of Disbeliefs

    There should be no hesitancy doubting his existence R. G. Collingwood is remembered today as a philosopher, a man with a wide range of interests, the core of whose work is in the Idealist tradition. He died in 1943 and although his work has subsequently not been widely celebrated the...
    The Willing Suspension of Disbeliefs
  • Personality & Power: The individual's role in the history of twentieth-century Europe

    What role do individuals wielding great power play in determining significant historical change? And how do historians locate human agency in historical change, and explain it? These are the issues I would like to reflect a little upon here. They are not new problems. But they are inescapable ones for...
    Personality & Power: The individual's role in the history of twentieth-century Europe
  • Western Dress and Ambivalence in the South Pacific

    Michael Sturma examines an aspect of the cultural impact of the West in the South Pacific. ‘States of undress, or the partially clad body, invite particularly ambivalent responses.’ One of the main preoccupation’s of early European visitors to the South Pacific was the nudity or partial nudity of the indigenous...
    Western Dress and Ambivalence in the South Pacific
  • History 345

      The Journal of the Historical Association
    Articles: 1. The Fate of Anglo-Saxon Saints after the Norman Conquest of England: St Æthelwold of Winchester as a Case Study (pages 183–200) Rebecca Browett 2. Henry VIII: ‘Catholicism without the Pope?’ (pages 201–221) G. W. Bernard 3. ‘We should dress us fairly for our end’: The Significance of the...
    History 345
  • Painted Advertisements on Houses

    A.D. Harvey discusses a once-familiar feature of the inner city landscape. A generation ago one often saw advertisements, or the names of commercial enterprises, painted directly on to the brickwork of old buildings. With the destruction, or renovation, of the older sections of most British towns, these advertisements are now...
    Painted Advertisements on Houses
  • The Historian 95: An American showman

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Featured articles: The 2007 Medlicott Medal Lecture: What kind of history should school history be? Chris Culpin P. T. Barnum - Promoter of 'freak shows' for the family - John Springhall (Read Article) Roald Dahl and the Lost Campaign - Trevor Fisher (Read Article) Presenting Naseby: Documents, terrain, findings and interpretation -...
    The Historian 95: An American showman
  • Nineteenth Century African chiefs in Nuneaton: A local mystery uncovered

    In Nuneaton’s St. Nicolas Churchyard lies a sizeable, though not elaborate, flat gravestone. It commemorates Canon Robert Savage, Vicar of the parish 1845-71, his wife Emma and many of their children. This tombstone, like so many in our graveyards, reveals a wide range of historical information, recording significant detail about...
    Nineteenth Century African chiefs in Nuneaton: A local mystery uncovered
  • Teaching History 78

    2 Editorial 3 News 5 Using History to Develop Citizenship Education in the National Curriculum Peter John and Ian Davies 8 Developing a Multicultural Perspective Within Key Stage 3 National Curriculum History Paul Bracey 11 History Education in a Democratic South Africa Peter Kallaway 17 History Teaching and the Council of...
    Teaching History 78
  • History 343

      The Journal of the Historical Association
    Articles: 1. A King of Jerusalem in England: The Visit of John of Brienne in 1223 (pages 627–639) Guy Perry 2. The Bishops and the Duke of Buckingham, 1624–1626 (pages 640–666) Mark Parry 3. History and the Making and Remaking of Wales (pages 667–684) Martin Johnes 4. Preparing for a...
    History 343
  • Stanley Baldwin's reputation

    Falsification of history is normally associated with dictatorships rather than liberal democracies. Yet tendentious accounts of the recent past are part of the armoury of all types of political debate. Such manipulation usually has only a limited and short-term influence, because it is neutralised by different political parties offering contending...
    Stanley Baldwin's reputation
  • The Great Exhibition

    ‘Of all the decades to be young in, a wise man would choose the 1850s’ concludes G.M. Young in his Portrait of An Age. His choice is understandable. Historians and contemporaries have long viewed the middle years of the century as a ‘plateau of peace and prosperity’, an ‘age of...
    The Great Exhibition
  • The Spice of Life? Ensuring variety when teaching about the Treaty of Versailles

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Much has been said and written about different learning styles in recent years. Some people have responded with evangelical enthusiasm, others exercise a more cautious approach, whilst a few disregard it completely. Certainly, there are...
    The Spice of Life? Ensuring variety when teaching about the Treaty of Versailles
  • The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam

    While migration from Europe to North America and elsewhere is well known, that from India is less familiar to Western readers. Ananda Dulal Sarkar provides an account of Indian migrants to the former British and Dutch Guianas. Within India, particularly during British rule, young and able-bodied males migrated hundreds of...
    The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam
  • The 'Era of the Dictators' Reconsidered

    Kenneth Thomson reflects on major aspects of the ‘era of the dictators’ after the collapse of Soviet Communism and its satellite regimes. In 1939, on the eve of the Second World War, almost the whole of continental Europe was ruled by dictatorships of various political hues. Even countries, like France,...
    The 'Era of the Dictators' Reconsidered
  • Queen Victoria

    A century ago Britain celebrated Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee – her reign having provided 60 years of stability at the height of Britain’s imperial power. Dorothy Thompson profiles the woman at the heart of the Empire. More than any other British monarch, with the possible exception of her one-time model,...
    Queen Victoria