The Heroine Project Presents: Dorothy Lawrence films
Forgotten First World War heroine speaks to a new generation

Three new HA-commissioned films celebrate controversial journalist
In 1915 aspiring journalist Dorothy Lawrence left London for northern France with ambitions to become the first female war correspondent. What happened next defied authority and convention – and challenges traditional depictions of women’s role in World War One.
The Historical Association (HA) commissioned Theatre company The Heroine Project Presents to create three short films about Dorothy Lawrence, now available to HA subscribers to watch or download below.
The films provide stimulus for classroom discussions and structured activities that aim to encourage students to consider the global legacy of the 14-18 War.
Film 1: Paris, July 1915
Film 2: Hanwell Asylum 1926
Film 3
The Heroine Project Presents
The Heroine Project Presents tells the stories of women from history who have been overlooked or misrepresented; and they develop programs of heritage engagement activities to extend the impact of their work beyond the stage. They were approached by HA trustee Jason Todd who saw their theatre production ‘Over the Top: the true-life tale of Dorothy Lawrence’ which toured earlier this year.
Heroine Project director Lizzie Crarer said: ‘We are delighted by this new partnership with the HA. These films are the culmination of 3 years of research and artistic work, and are a legacy for ‘Over the Top’ that will contribute to the change in attitudes that prompted us to undertake this project in the first place.’
The new films have been written and directed by Eleanor Rogers, and feature the actress Naomi Zara. They are supported with public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England; the Historical Association; Somerville College, Oxford and by generous contributions from Jason Todd and Katharine Burn.
For further information please contact The Heroine Project Presents producer Lizzie Crarer | 07747 833864 | #whatwoulddorothydo