Women’s Suffrage: history and citizenship resources for schools

Register your school for free resources on women's suffrage
Are you teaching 20th-century history in the spring term? Do you want to refresh your teaching of the campaign for women’s rights and equal representation?
Don’t forget to register for the Suffrage Resources website, a free resource developed specifically for schools to help teachers and students explore the rich history of the suffrage movement and bring to light the ordinary women and men who campaigned for the right to vote.
The website is centred on a database of approximately 3,000 individual campaigners. For many, little is known other than their name and place of residence: others allow us to dig into the past and bring their stories alive. Schools are encouraged to use the database to explore suffrage activity in their localities and make use of seven fully-resourced teaching enquiries in the classroom to find out more about the motivations and interpretations of the suffrage movement. Develop your subject knowledge with a series of podcasts and articles from leading historians and find out more about the individual campaigners through our case studies.