Teaching History 196: Demanding History

The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Published: 13th September 2024

In this edition of Teaching History

Please note: print copies of Teaching History 196 will be arriving with members from around 20 September. 

03 Editorial (Read article - open access)

04 HA Secondary News

06 HA Update

08 Mudlarking in the Thames: evidence, ecology and enquiry – Maryam Dorudi (Read article)

19 Britain’s forgotten colony? Why Hong Kong deserves a place in the story of empire – Ollie Barnes (Read article)

32 Triumphs Show: Year 9 explore what permacrisis might have felt like in 1938 – Sarah Davis (Read article)

36 Teaching Years 8 and 9 to write analytically about similarity and difference – Molly-Ann Navey (Read article)

52 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Anti-alienism in Britain c.1880–1925 – Henry Holborn (Read article)

56 Lenses, mirrors and bridges: one department’s holistic approach to diversifying and decolonising local history – Jack Brown (Read article)

68 Cunning Plan: Does women’s suffrage deserve a more prominent place in Australia’s national narrative? – Jonathon Dallimore (Read article)

75 ‘What do they mean by that?’ Helping students to analyse academic writing from Key Stage 3 onwards – Alex Blelloch (Read article)

80 Move Me On: trainee is keen to make more use of historical artefacts, but struggles to incorporate them into worthwhile historical enquiries (Read article)

84 Mummy, Mummy…

Regular features

Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.

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