Resource Sharing Hub: Key Stage 4/5
The HA: here for you virtually

Our education committees have developed an HA home learning resource-sharing hub to support the history community and parents throughout periods of school closures.
We are calling upon the history community to submit your home learning ideas and resources to share with others. The HA is well-placed and ready to act as a hub for the history community to share the home learning resources you have developed. Our education committees will post to the sharing hub the activities and resources you submit that will support effective learning in history. Whether you're coming here to look for home-learning resources to support your curriculum or your children's history education at home you can have confidence in the materials you will find on the HA hub.
In the pages below are resources for all the aspects of the KS4 history curriculum plus some for KS5. We will be adding new resources as they are submitted and approved. If you have a resource you'd like to share with the history community - simply fill in the brief submission form below and email it to us together with your resource.