Reflections on the Athens Conference on the Korean War
The Korean War and its Legacy Teacher Fellowship Reports
Residential course in Athens, 1-4 August 2019
Teacher Fellowship course leader Ben Walsh will be writing a blog to share the latest ideas and thinking from the programme on the Korean War and its legacy. Keep an eye out for posts throughout the online course about developments in historical thinking, their impact on the classroom and the Teacher Fellows’ progress.
This blog post from Teacher Fellowship course leader Ben Walsh outlines the programme residential in August at the Athens conference on the Korean War. The Athens conference brought together educators from several countries who sent troops or medical aid during the Korean War including Greece, the Netherlands, South Africa, Denmark, Luxembourg and Germany. We at the HA were very proud that the largest single contingent was from the UK, representing the Historical Association.
The Athens conference on the Korean War was organised by the Korean War Legacy Foundation and sponsored by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.
Attached files:
- Report: The Korean War and its Legacy: Residential course in Athens, 1-4 August 2019
100.8 KB PDF document