Secondary news

  • Ofqual/DfE consultation on proposed changes to assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022

    12th July 2021

    Ofqual have launched joint consultations with the Department for Education on proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022 and arrangements for the assessment and awarding of vocational, technical and other general qualifications: 2021 to 2022. The GQ consultation closes on 1 August and the VTQ...

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  • Young Quills winners 2020

    8th July 2021

    6-9 years category: The Closest Thing to FlyingBy Gill Lewis, Oxford University Press 10-13 years category: Our Castle by the SeaBy Lucy Strange, Chicken House 14 years + category: The Stolen OnesBy Vanessa Curtis, Usborne Publishing  Highly commended: 6-9 years category: Winter of the Wolves By Tony Bradman, Bloomsbury 10-13...

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  • HA Conference 2021 round-up

    1st July 2021

    So, we didn’t all get to pack into a room together and chat loudly and sort through our new canvas HA bag this year, but we did still have a conference. A second year done using digital technology rather than meeting up face-to-face – and a second success. We built...

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  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

    30th June 2021

    In 1993 the writer, former dissident and first President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel described the situation of the Roma ‘as a litmus test for Europe’s civil society’. Nearly 30 years later the social questions of how the prejudice against the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities across Europe is...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: Marc Morris on The Anglo-Saxons

    30th June 2021

    In this Virtual Branch talk best-selling author and renowned historian Marc Morris joined us to discuss the process of researching for, structuring and writing his new book The Anglo-Saxons: a history of the beginnings of England.  Drawing on a vast range of original evidence - chronicles, letters, archaeology and artefacts - Morris's...

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  • Subject Leader Development Programme (SLDP)

    News Item

    The Subject Leader Development Programme is an online course for developing subject leadership in secondary history teaching. Led by a team of 6 experienced subject leaders, including Hugh Richards, Sharon Aninakwa, Ruth Lingard, David Hibbert, Elizabeth Carr and Catherine Priggs, this course will equip history leaders fully for the demands...

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  • Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history


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  • Growing up LGBT+

    16th June 2021

    All content for this article has been provided by Just like Us. Just Like Us has released its independent research report into the experiences of LGBT+ young people across the UK, ahead of School Diversity Week 21-25 June 2021. The report, Growing up LGBT+: The impact of school, home and coronavirus on...

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  • Sporting Heritage EPQ


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  • Virtual Branch Lecture Recording: Mayflower Lives

    28th May 2021

    Historian and author Martyn Whittock recently gave a lecture for the HA Virtual Branch on'Mayflower Lives: building a New Jerusalem in the New World'. In 1620, 102 ill-prepared asylum seekers landed two months later than planned, in the wrong place on the eastern coast of North America. By the next summer, half of them...

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