Secondary news

  • Government response to the ITT Market Review consultation

    2nd December 2021

    The government has published a response to the ITT Market Review consultation carried out in the summer of 2021. The consultation proposed radical changes to the ITT landscape. The HA responded to the consultation due to the possible unintended consequences that the proposals may have for quality and supply of history...

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  • Help the National Portrait Gallery develop their schools offer

    1st December 2021

    The National Portrait Gallery is looking for teachers – secondary art, secondary history, primary school and teachers working in specialist settings – to help develop their schools offer. The Gallery is currently undergoing a massive transformation that will include a complete rehang of all their galleries, a new state-of-the-art learning centre, and...

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  • Historical Association Secondary Survey 2021

    22nd October 2021

    For the past 11 years we have been doing an annual survey into history teaching in secondary schools. This year our main focus was on the content of the history curriculum, examined with a particular focus on diversity. It looks particularly at diversity understood in terms of race and ethnicity,...

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  • Our commitment to diversity

    Multipage Article

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  • West Indian Soldier: Learning resources from the National Army Museum

    8th October 2021

    The National Army Museum is a leading authority on the British Army, exploring its role from the British Civil Wars to the present day. Through its collections, the Museum preserves and shares stories of ordinary people with extraordinary responsibilities. The Museum’s Learning team is committed to providing engaging and curriculum-driven...

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  • Questionnaire: Educational Materials and Teaching about the Great Irish Famine

    8th October 2021

    Dear teachers, my name is Lindsay Janssen and I am an instructor at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and researcher part of ‘Heritages of Hunger,’ a research project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) which investigates the role and meaning of European periods of hunger in the education and heritage...

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  • Teaching History 184: Out now


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  • HA awards evening 2021 round-up

    1st October 2021

    Finally it happened – the HA annual (usually) awards evening, known to many as ‘the Medlicott evening’. Normally held in summer, the event is an opportunity to recognise some of the incredible contributions that people make to the continuation of history for all in this country, as historians, writers, educators...

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  • Announcing the winners of the Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2021

    27th September 2021

    This writing competition seeks to encourage young people to express their creative sides alongside a strong understanding of a historical period, event or theme. This year despite restrictions, further lockdowns and uncertainty the number and quality of entries remained high, as well as being imaginative, exciting, well researched and a...

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  • Your HA Virtual Branch

    News Item

    The HA Virtual Branch is a great way to keep your history up-to-date, whether you are working or relaxing, all from the comfort of your home. The Virtual Branch is free and open to everybody, and recordings of the talks are made available online after the event for HA members....

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