Knowledge of chronology is about much more than remembering dates and understanding the terms and conventions used to label different periods of time – important as these are. A secure knowledge of the order of events necessarily underpins any attempt to explain cause and consequence or to chart the process of change and continuity. Unfortunately, simply teaching history in order is not enough in itself to equip young people with a basic chronological framework, enabling them to relate different items of knowledge to one another or to construct an overarching ‘big picture’. Establishing such a framework requires deliberate, sustained attention. The resources in this section show how various strategies – including teaching an outline framework at the start of a new period or thematic study and different approaches to reviewing broad sweeps of time at the end of a school year or key stage, as well careful coordination of overview and depth studies – all play a part in building such knowledge.
Picturing place: what you get may be more than what you see
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Sense, relationship and power: uncommon views of place
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