Research & Guidance
Great teaching and learning is underpinned and informed by research and guidance. Not only in the form of large academic research projects, or reports from nationally and internationally recognised organisations, but also on a smaller scale by hubs of schools and individual teachers. As the subject association for history, the Historical Association plays a vital role in history education research; both as a research organisation through our annual surveys, but also for individual teacher research through our journals. The Historical Association is a dissemination hub and the first port of call for those looking to locate history education research. In this section you will find research and guidance split into easy to find areas.
National Policies
- Ofqual: Quality assurance for GCSE, AS and A level
- Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools
- HA response to the DFE consultation on CPD
- Thematic GCSE Content
- Progression & Assessment without Levels - Guide
- Progression without Levels
- Ofsted research report into history 2021
- Film: Curriculum and progression in history and Ofsted’s work with schools
- Film: The new Ofsted education inspection framework (EIF) 2019
- Ofsted Guidance 2011
- Ofsted Report on the teaching of History in schools 2011
- Developing Citizenship in Schools
Survey Results
- Historical Association Secondary Survey 2021
- HA Secondary History Survey 2019
- Survey into History in English Secondary Schools 2018
- History in schools 2017
- Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools
- HA Secondary History Survey 2015
Effective Department
- Nurturing aspirations for Oxbridge
- Low-stakes testing
- Tracking the health of history in England’s secondary schools
- The Harkness Method: achieving higher-order thinking with sixth-form
- Move Me On 159: Writing Frames
- Assessment after levels
GCSE Guidance
- Film: Choosing the migration unit for GCSE
- New Treatments of Familiar Topics
- Thematic GCSE Content
- New Saxon, Viking and Medieval GCSE Content
- Securing contextual knowledge in year 10
- Fact Based Quiz Ideas For Turning 3s into 4s and 5s
Previous National Curriculums
- A Guide to the Key Stage 3 programme (pre-2014)
- History in Schools - Present and Future
- Background information: citizenship and history
- Cunning Plan 132: Year 7 and the new National Curriculum
- Planning and Teaching the New Key Stage 3 PoS
- The National Curriculum Attainment Target (from 2008)