Available Events

In this section you'll find details of all our available CPD events for history teachers, both online and in-person.  Where these events are linked to a series, this will be linked on the page for your information. To see our regular courses and our overarching series and themes for this term, you can take a look at our What’s on section, view our at-a-glance CPD calendar, or all upcoming CPD events in our web calendar. 

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  • Your Secondary CPD calendar Summer 2024

    News Item

    We know that it's not easy for teachers to get out of school or have budgets to afford a plentiful supply of CPD. We know how essential your CPD is to you and that is why we have worked to provide a wide range of online learning and webinar-based CPD...

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  • HA Webinar: Henry VIII on Tour: finding a new perspective on the Tudors

    15th July 2024

    During his lifetime, Henry VIII journeyed throughout his kingdom in what are known as royal 'progresses'. In this webinar, Anthony Musson will share research from the AHRC-funded 'Henry on Tour' project which seeks to reassess these progresses by exploring archival sources, archaeology, music and material culture. In addition to contributing...

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  • HA Webinar: A history teacher’s ‘markbook’

    10th July 2024

    This session will consider what it might be most useful for history teachers to keep a record of over the course of a year. Every time we read pupils’ work or listen to what they have to say about history, we learn more about their knowledge of, and relationship with,...

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  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

    20th June 2024

    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...

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  • History Teacher Development Programme

    Multipage Article

    The History Teacher Development Programme is an online course aimed at history teachers who want to re-focus their attention on teaching ambitious and rigorous history.  Are you a relatively new teacher coming to the end of your ECT years? Are you a more experienced teacher who wants to re-engage with...

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  • Subject Leader Development Programme

    Multipage Article

    Welcome to the Historical Association's online course for developing subject leadership in history teaching. Led by a team of 6 experienced subject leaders, including Hugh Richards, Sharon Aninakwa, Ruth Lingard, David Hibbert, Elizabeth Carr and Catherine Priggs, this course will equip history leaders fully for the demands of the role and...

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  • Webinar: European migrants in 19th-century Britain

    News Item

    Get fresh ideas for teaching about European migrants in Britain from 1780–1914, using brand new resources from the British Library. This free partnership CPD session offers practical ideas for teaching migration history, drawing on a rich collection of sources – including newspapers, maps and photographs. Learn more about how migrants...

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  • Immersive funded CPD: Sickness and social reform in the Victorian and Edwardian period

    Multipage Article

    We are delighted to announce a funded CPD programme in partnership with the Wellcome Trust Collaborative Research project, Addressing Health: Morbidity and Mortality in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office. The project explores the relationships between work and health in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through the lens of thousands...

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  • On-demand webinar: New approaches to teaching Britain and transatlantic slavery


    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 5: New approaches to teaching Britain and transatlantic slavery This 90-minute webinar will delve into the social, economic, and moral implications of this topic. It features an interview with historian Maxine Berg related to her research in this area, before suggesting tools for...

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  • On-demand webinar: Histories of the African continent


    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 4: Histories of the African continent This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover three elements: an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for exploring African history; Enquiry One: Africa and the development of religion; Enquiry Two: Decolonisation, Ideology and Race in Africa: the struggles...

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  • On-demand webinar: Causation and Consequence


    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 1: Causation and Consequence  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concepts of...

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  • On-demand webinar: Interpretations


    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 4: Interpretations  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concept of interpretations, looking at...

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  • On-demand webinar: Significance


    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 3: Significance This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concept of significance, looking at...

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  • On-demand webinar: Change and Continuity


    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 2: Change and Continuity  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concepts of change...

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  • On-demand webinar: Black British history


    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 2: Black British history This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for including Black stories in British history and an enquiry about Black Radicals in the early 19th century. Release date: Monday 30 October 2023, 4pmClosing date: Saturday 31...

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  • On-demand webinar: Histories of Islamic societies


    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 3: Histories of Islamic societies This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover three elements: an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for exploring Islamic societies; Enquiry One: Science and Knowledge in Medieval Muslim societies; Enquiry Two: Modernity and Iran in the 20th century....

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  • Recorded webinar: Introduction to decolonising the secondary history curriculum


    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 1: Introductory webinar This recorded introductory webinar will explore what we mean by decolonising the curriculum and outline principles of approach and explore key concepts involved. How to book Book this webinar only If you wish to book just this webinar, you can purchase...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain


    Mass-Observation is probably the most consistently useful source for the study of mid and late 20th social lives Britain. It was established in 1937 with the aim of investigating ordinary life and developing an 'anthropology of ourselves.' It used a range of different methods to collect information, from recording overheard...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories


    Where Jews appear on school curricula, they tend to appear as victims, particularly in the context of the Nazi genocide. The vibrant diversity of Jewish life in preceding centuries is underexplored, and students are given little context for understanding the growth of antisemitism. This webinar delves into this vibrant richness...

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  • Recorded webinar: Teaching history during a climate emergency: how can we respond?


    We are at a vital moment in our attempt to tackle the climate crisis. Global warming is an inter-disciplinary challenge for the world and an inter-disciplinary challenge in education, too. In this talk, Alison Kitson argues that history provides a vital perspective that enables young people to understand our interaction...

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